The chief of police shall keep a copy of the driver's permit on file in his office. The driver's permit shall constitute evidence of compliance with the terms of this chapter but shall be subject to all other applicable laws, ordinances, or order of the city council. The driver's permit shall be effective until the expiration date printed thereon, or until suspended pursuant to Section 5.32.390, unless suspended or revoked as provided elsewhere in this chapter.
(Prior code § 5.28.380 (Ord. 309 § 20(g), 1948))
Upon presentation to the director of finance of the driver's permit properly executed, the director of finance shall issue to the applicant a numbered badge of distinctive design, bearing the expiration date thereof, and with the words "Taxi Driver" thereon.
(Prior code § 5.28.390 (Ord. 543 § 8 (part), 1963; Ord. 309 § 20(h), 1948))
All driver's permits and badges issued as provided in this chapter shall expire on the thirty-first day of December next following the date of issuance unless previously suspended or revoked. All driver's permits and temporary driver's permits authorized to be issued under this chapter shall be effective only while the driver to whom such permit is issued is employed by a carrier holding a valid permit issued pursuant to Section 5.32.020. Upon termination of his employment with such carrier, the driver's permit or temporary driver's permit shall be automatically suspended and shall become effective again only when and if such driver shall again be reemployed by such a carrier during the term for which the driver's permit or temporary driver's permit was issued.
(Prior code § 5.28.400 (Ord. 309 § 20(i), 1948))
A renewal driver's permit shall be issued by the chief of police to any permittee who has paid the fee for such renewal, as provided by Chapter 5.04 and who, on the thirty-first day of December last preceding had a valid driver's permit.
(Prior code § 5.28.410 (Ord. 309 § 20(j), 1948))