EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the frequency of change, provisions relating to traffic control, including particular locations for traffic signals, stop signs, temporary school stop signs, yield right-of-way signs, school slow signs, limited parking areas, truck parking prohibitions, parking meters, four-lane streets, one-way streets and alleys, dead-end streets, through streets, school crossings, crosswalks, prohibited left turns, loading zones and special speed restrictions, are not codified. These resolutions are filed in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer. Copies are available, at cost.
424.01 Traffic control devices generally.
424.02 Designation and maintenance of crosswalks.
424.03 Marking curbs or pavement generally.
424.04 Marking of traffic lanes.
424.05 Injury, removal, obstruction of traffic control devices.
424.06 Unauthorized signs and signals.
424.07 Obedience to automatic signal system.
424.08 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) adopted.
424.99 Penalty.
Traffic control devices - see R.S.N. §§ 39-609 et seq.
Right turns on red - see TRAP. 430.16
Marking of parking areas - see TRAF. 460.01
(a) Council may, by resolution, provide for the placing of stop signs or other signs, signals, standards or mechanical devices in any street or portion of any street in the City for the purpose of regulating or prohibiting traffic thereon. Such resolution shall:
(1) Describe the portion of the street wherein traffic is to be regulated or prohibited; and
(2) Designate the regulation or prohibition, the place where such sign, signal, standard or mechanical device shall be placed, and the hours when such regulation or prohibition shall be effective.
(b) No person shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with such regulation or prohibition.
(1958 Code § 16.7)
Council may, by resolution, establish, designate and maintain or cause to be maintained, by appropriate devices, markers or lines upon the surface of the street, crosswalks at intersections where there is particular danger to pedestrians crossing the street and at such other places as it may deem necessary.
(1958 Code § 16.8)
(a) The City Manager shall cause all lines and marks on curbs or pavement to be painted and to keep such lines and marks painted as directed by Council.
(b) No person shall paint the curb of any street or in any manner set aside or attempt to prevent the parking of vehicles in any street or part thereof except at such places where the parking of vehicles is prohibited by the provisions of this Traffic Code. The marking or designating of portions of streets where the parking of vehicles is prohibited or limited shall be done only by the City through its proper officers, at the direction of the Mayor and Council.
(1958 Code § 16.9)