General Provisions
   113.01   Findings of fact
   113.02   Declaration of public policy
   113.03   Purpose
   113.04   Definitions
Operation Regulations
   113.10   Outdoor signs
   113.11   Outdoor advertising
   113.12   Minors
   113.13   Prohibited hours of operation
   113.14   Adult amusement arcades
   113.15   Location of public entrance to establishment
   113.25   License required
   113.26   Application
   113.27   Notification of any change in information provided in original application
   113.28   Inspection of premises
   113.29   Posting and display
   113.30   Term; fee
   113.31   Employee of establishment to be licensed
   113.32   Suspension, revocation, and denial procedures
   113.40   Authority to enact additional regulations
   113.41   Notice of additional regulations to be given
   113.99   Penalty
   The City Council hereby finds that:
   (A)   Certain adult entertainment activities which are located near areas zoned for residential use, near schools and public parks, and near malls and similar open spaces that cater to use by family groups and children adversely affect the viability of such nearby properties for such purposes;
   (B)   Local governments and the United States Government have spent millions of dollars on community development and neighborhood enhancement projects over the past several years to eliminate blight and to prevent the further deterioration of neighborhoods in this city and county;
   (C)   Adult entertainment activities, because of the conditions of their operations, have contributed to an increased incidence of crime and juvenile delinquency, particularly when adult entertainment activities are located in close proximity to one another;
   (D)   Adult entertainment activities, through outside displays, tend to attract an undersirable clientele that discourages neighboring residents from undertaking civic improvements, causes residents and businesses to move elsewhere, and frustrates attempts to attract new residents and businesses to come into the area, all of which factors contribute to a diminution of property values and to a general deterioration of the neighborhoods in this city and adjacent areas; and that the small closet-like rooms or “booths” at adult amusement arcades in this city have encouraged persons to loiter for the purpose of engaging in unlawful, often anonymous, sexual conduct and have encouraged lewd conduct in public places, thereby creating a public nuisance, generally unsanitary conditions, and a danger to health and safety;
   (E)   The concentration of sexually explicit movies, books, and sexual paraphernalia in such establishments in this city, which also house sexually explicit movies, and hotel rooms rented by the hour to “couples” afforded free sexually explicit movies in the hotel room have provided prostitutes an appealing and visible meeting place to ply their trade and have created public nuisances in otherwise respectable neighborhoods in this city;
   (F)   Children, the family environment, and residential neighborhoods are suffering injury from the deleterious effects and harmful consequences resulting from the distribution and exposure to certain sexually explicit matter, this being particularly so when such matter is permitted to leave a store’s premises and enter the immediate family environment, neighborhood, and certain areas where children are likely to be;
   (G)   The noise generated by patrons coming and going from adult entertainment activity establishments causes a substantial disruption to nearby residents, and a modest curtailment of the hours during which entertainment is offered to patrons coming and going from such establishments would afford some relief to persons living in such nearby residences without significantly interfering with the availability of the entertainment offered therein; and
   (H)   Nationally, there is extensive involvement of organized crime in the business of adult book stores and other adult activities and that the disclosure of the names of persons who own, as well as the names of the persons who operate, such adult book stores and other adult activity establishments will aid law enforcement officials in the enforcement of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) as well as in the enforcement of the laws of this city and state prohibiting the distribution of obscene matter, the use of minors to distribute obscene matter, the advertising of obscene material, the distribution of obscene matter to minors, promoting the sale of obscenity, the use of a minor in a sexual performance, the distribution of material portraying a sexual performance by a minor, the promoting of material portraying a sexual performance by a minor, the advertising of material portraying a sexual performance by a minor, and the use of minors to distribute material portraying a sexual performance by a minor.
(Ord. 15-1987, passed 10-5-87)