(A) No operator shall maintain, operate, or conduct an establishment engaging in any adult entertainment activities defined under § 113.04 unless such person has made an application for a license, and no operator shall own, operate, or be employed at an establishment engaging in adult entertainment activities which has sought and been denied a license hereunder, and unless all dancers, performers, and entertainers appearing at the establishment have obtained the license required by § 113.31.
(B) No person shall operate, own, or be employed at an unlicensed adult entertainment activity defined under § 113.04.
(C) No owner shall permit adult entertainment activities to operate on his property without such adult entertainment activities being properly licensed.
(D) No person shall permit himself to be an operator or an employee at an adult entertainment activity which has not been validly licensed hereunder.
(Ord. 15-1987, passed 10-5-87) Penalty, see § 113.99