General Provisions
114.01 Definitions
114.02 Application of chapter
114.03 State law adopted
114.15 Licenses required
114.16 License fees
114.17 Published notice of application; posted notice of intent to apply; application; review and approval
114.18 Form, content of city license
114.19 Denial of application
114.20 Transfer, assignment of license
114.21 Duplicate license
Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
114.40 Liquor hours of sale; beer hours of sale
114.41 Compliance with regulations and prohibitions
114.42 Maintenance of state license
114.43 Display of required licenses and certain signs
114.44 Illegal or disorderly conduct on premises prohibited
114.45 Conducting business with minor
114.46 Illegal sexual conduct, exposure of human body
114.47 Business to be conducted continuously; exceptions
114.48 Adjunct businesses licensed to sell alcoholic beverages
Administration and Enforcement
114.60 Right of entry; search and seizure
114.61 Seizure, destruction of contraband
114.62 Suspension, revocation of license
114.99 Penalty