119.01 Definitions
119.02 Bond
119.03 Register to be kept; daily reports
119.04 Receipt to be given for each article; sale of article
119.05 Maximum interest, resale price
119.06 Receipt to be given for payment of loan
119.07 Prohibited activities
119.08 Enforcement
119.99 Penalty
Business license fee, see § 111.04
For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
“PAWNBROKER.” Any person who loans money on deposit of personal property; deals in the purchase of personal property on condition of selling the property back again at a stipulated price; makes a public display at his place of business of the sign generally used by pawnbrokers to denote their business; or who publicly exhibits a sign advertising money to loan on personal property or deposit.
(KRS 226.010)
Every person to whom a city license is granted to carry on the business of a pawnbroker shall annually enter into bond to the city, with good and sufficient surety to be approved by City Council, in the penal sum of $1000. This bond shall be conditioned that he will observe the provisions of this chapter and all ordinances and laws in force in the city not inconsistent with this chapter.
(KRS 226.020)