9-1-1: Permit Requirements
   A.   Building And Occupancy And Use Permits Required: No structure shall be erected and subsequently used or occupied unless a building permit has been obtained prior to construction, and unless occupancy and use permits are obtained prior to the use and occupancy of that structure.
   B.   Compliance With Village Regulations:
      1.   Prior to the issuance of the building permit or the subsequent issuance of the use and occupancy permit, and as a condition precedent to the issuance thereof, all ordinances and regulations of the village shall be complied with that relate to building codes, land subdivisions and use ordinances, zoning ordinances and utility service ordinances (including sewer and water) as said ordinances affect the premises or structure for which said building or use and occupancy permits are sought. (1984 Code § 4-3-1; amd. Ord. 2011-9, 7-5-2011)
      2.   The following inspections are required to be performed during construction of any commercial building in the village:
         a.   The following inspections will be performed by a designated representative of the village:
            (1)   Zoning and drainage of the proposed improvement prior to issuance of a building permit. Owner must locate and stake out all property corners and proposed building footprint.
            (2)   Footing inspection prior to pouring footings. Owner must notify village twenty four (24) hours before inspection is needed.
            (3)   Periodic site inspections for erosion and temporary drainage as determined.
            (4)   Final site inspection upon completion of site work, including the parking lot, drives, entrance, signage, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water connection, electrical connection, fencing, etc.
            (5)   Occupancy permit/final inspection. Owner must notify village twenty four (24) hours before inspection is needed.
            (6)   The village of Sherman reserves the right to enter the site and conduct any inspection of the building or the site during construction. The property owner or the owner's designated agent will provide access and accommodate all inspections.
         b.   The following inspections will be performed by an independent qualified building inspector (as defined below) contracted by the property owner or his agent:
            (1)   Plumbing ground work inspection, if applicable, must be completed before the concrete floor is poured.
            (2)   Electrical ground work inspection, if applicable, must be completed before the concrete floor is poured.
            (3)   Plumbing, electrical and mechanical rough in inspections must be completed before drywall or plaster walls or ceilings are installed.
            (4)   Electrical service entrance.
            (5)   Fireplace inspection must be completed before drywall or plaster walls or ceilings are installed.
            (6)   Framing inspection must be completed before insulation, drywall, or plaster is installed.
            (7)   Insulation inspection must be completed before drywall or plaster walls and ceilings are installed.
            (8)   Final inspection of all plumbing, electrical, mechanical, doors, windows, and hardware when all systems are installed, functioning, and fully operational. Floor coverings, painting, and cosmetic finishes are not required for final inspection.
            (9)   The independent qualified building inspector will file certified inspection results with the village no later than forty eight (48) hours after each inspection.
            (10)   Final inspections must be complete before an occupancy permit will be issued.
         c.   The independent qualified building inspector shall have one or more of the following qualifications:
            (1)   Certified by the state of Illinois to be a qualified building inspector.
            (2)   Certified by a nationally recognized building official certification organization.
            (3)   Qualified by an apprentice program certified by the bureau of apprentice training. (Ord. 2011-9, 7-5-2011)
   C.   Required Information:
      1.   Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall furnish the following to the satisfaction of the village:
         a.   Minimum Foundation Elevation:
            (1)   The top of any exterior foundation shall extend a minimum of one and one-half feet (1.5') above the lowest elevation of the street gutter adjacent to the lot or a minimum of one and one- half feet (1.5') above the lowest elevation of any drainage swale adjacent to the lot.
            (2)   The top of any exterior foundation shall extend a minimum of eight inches (8") above the final surface of the ground immediately adjacent to the foundation.
         b.   Slope Adjacent To Buildings: The grade away from exterior foundation walls shall fall a minimum of six inches (6") within the first ten feet (10'), except as restricted by lot lines where the fall will be a minimum of six inches (6") regardless of the horizontal distance available.
         c.   Minimum Garage Floor Elevation: The finished garage floor elevation shall be a minimum of one foot (1.0') above the lowest elevation of the street gutter adjacent to the lot or a minimum of one foot (1.0') above the lowest elevation of any drainage swale adjacent to the lot.
         d.   Walkout Basement And Basement Egress Windows: In the absence of other requirements, finished basement floor elevations or sill elevations for basement egress windows shall be a minimum of one and one-half feet (1.5') above the lowest elevation of any other portion of the lot.
         e.   Maximum Foundation Elevation: Excessive fills should be avoided. The following criteria will be used to evaluate lots where fill is used to raise the lot:
            (1)   Fill which alters or blocks drainage swales will not be allowed.
            (2)   Driveway slopes from street to garage should not be steeper than ten percent (10%).
            (3)   The maximum height above the curb for all foundations shall be thirty six inches (36"), unless prior written approval is obtained from the building official.
         f.   Existing Drainage Pattern: Site grading shall not alter or block the existing drainage pattern. Drainage swales must be maintained. Cross section and slopes of drainage swales shall not be altered. No change to the location or quantity of surface water entering or leaving the lot will be allowed.
      2.   Each building permit shall be required to provide satisfactory documentation and evidence of compliance with the following codes, and the following codes are hereby adopted:
2006 International building code;
2006 International residential code - one- and two- family buildings;
2005 National electric code;
2000 Life Safety Code, NFPA 101;
2006 International Property Maintenance Code;
Illinois Plumbing Code; and
Illinois Accessibility Code. (Ord. 2009-26, 8-18-2009)
   D.   Penalties:
      1.   Building Permit: Any person or entity commencing or altering a structure without a building permit shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. Each day for which a building permit is not obtained shall constitute an additional offense. The person or entity subject to a fine shall be the person or entity defined as the builder or contractor on the building permit application. No builder or contractor shall initiate construction or alteration of a structure until the building permit is obtained. Nothing herein shall limit any other remedies the Village may have in law or equity against any person or entity commencing or altering a structure without a building permit.
      2.   Occupancy Permit: Any person or entity using or occupying a structure, which has been constructed or altered such that a building permit was required, prior to the issuance of an occupancy or use permit shall be subject to a minimum fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense, said fine not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense. Each day for which a use and occupancy permit is not obtained shall constitute an additional offense. In addition, any builder or contractor that allows occupancy of a structure until the occupancy permit is obtained shall be liable for a minimum fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense, said fine not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense. Each day for which a use and occupancy permit is not obtained shall constitute an additional offense. Nothing herein shall limit any other remedies the Village may have in law or equity against any person or entity occupying or using a structure that has not first been issued an occupancy permit. (Ord. 2013-8, 7-2-2013)



1. See also section 10-3-2 and subsection 10-3-7B of this code.