9-7-1: Scope
9-7-2: Definitions
9-7-3: Performance Standards
9-7-4: Landscape Plan
9-7-5: Installation And Maintenance
9-7-6: Calculations
9-7-7: Front Yard, Corner Side Yard And Through Lot Landscaping
9-7-8: Parking Lot Landscaping
9-7-9: Landscaping For Business Lots Adjoining A Residential District
9-7-10: Screening Of Activity Areas
9-7-11: Site And Parking Area Lighting Requirements
A. Scope; Purpose; Applicability:
1. Scope: This chapter contains the performance standards and regulations pertaining to the landscape, screening, and lighting elements for various uses and parking areas; requirements for the provision of trees along public rights of way; maintenance requirements for trees and other landscape components; and administration and enforcement of these regulations.
2. Purpose: The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards for the provision, installation and maintenance of landscape plantings in and around the various land uses and associated parking areas. The addition of plant material is to define parking areas, mitigate the view of cars and pavement, help to direct traffic flow, provide continuity to streetscape, minimize noise and glare, moderate heat, wind and other climate effects and to obtain the environmental benefits of increase planting. The landscape requirements are intended to provide buffering between single-family and duplex uses and multiple-family, office, commercial, and industrial uses. The overall impact of such factors is intended to enhance and protect property values for the benefit of both public and private investment.
3. Buildings And Facilities Covered: This chapter applies to the following:
a. All new construction of buildings or parking areas approved by the village after the effective date of this chapter;
b. That area directly affected by any addition, or accumulated total increase of twenty percent (20%) or more, in gross square foot area of the ground floor, to any existing building;
c. That area directly affected by any addition, or accumulated total increase of twenty percent (20%) or more in the numbers of parking spaces provided to any existing parking facility. (Ord. 2011-8A, 5-17-2011)
Definitions for the purpose of this chapter:
GROUND COVER: Plants, other than turf grass, which normally reaches an average maximum height of not more than twenty four inches (24") at maturity. Ground cover does not include plants commonly referred to as weeds.
LANDSCAPING: Required by this chapter shall mean living plants in a combination of trees, shrubs, and/or ground cover.
MULCH: Nonliving organic and synthetic materials customarily used in landscaping designed to retain moisture, stabilize soil temperatures, control weed growth and retard erosion.
SHRUB: A self-supporting woody perennial plant (deciduous or evergreen) of low to medium height characterized by multiple stems and branches continuous from its base and having a height of not less than two feet (2') and normally maturing to a height of not more than ten feet (10').
SIZE SPECIFICATIONS: Unless otherwise stated in this chapter, all size specifications for plant materials shall be based upon the time of planting. When caliper is specified for tree planting, the caliper of the tree trunk shall be measured at twelve inches (12") above the ground level.
Canopy Trees (Medium-Tall): A self-supporting woody, deciduous plant having not less than a one and three-fourths inch (13/4") caliper and reaches a mature height of not less than twenty feet (20') and a mature spread of not less than fifteen feet (15').
Evergreen Trees: A tree having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year and having a height of not less than six feet (6') and maturing to a height of not less than twenty feet (20').
Ornamental Trees (Small): A self-supporting woody, deciduous plant having not less than a one and one-half inch (11/2") caliper and normally attains a mature height of at least fifteen feet (15') and usually has one main stem or trunk and many branches. Several species may appear to have several stems or trunks. (Ord. 2011-8A, 5-17-2011)
A. All landscape plans shall fully meet the following standards:
1. Landscaping shall not hinder the vision of motorists and pedestrians necessary for safe movement into, out of, and within the site.
2. Landscaping materials shall be selected and placed in such a manner that they do not interfere with or damage existing utilities.
3. Landscaping materials shall be selected and placed so that the safe and enjoyable use of surrounding properties is not inhibited.
4. Landscaping shall be selected and placed with sensitivity toward the ultimate size that will be achieved over time.
5. Landscaping with thorns, berries, and other harmful plant characteristics shall be carefully placed to avoid potential harm to people or property on and off site. (Ord. 2011-8A, 5-17-2011)