This title shall be known, referred to and cited as the 1984 LAND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF SHERMAN, ILLINOIS. (1984 Code § 6-1-1)
A. The purpose of this title is to regulate and control the division of land within the plat approval jurisdiction of the village, to prevent the subdivision of land for uses to which the land is not suited, and to prevent serious hazards and problems to the citizens of the community. This title will provide for the improvement of the public health and safety; the harmonious development of the village and its environs; the coordination of streets, public areas, and other features of the official village plan; and the protection of the community's taxable resources by requiring that subdivisions be designed and developed so as not to impose excessive maintenance burdens on the community, but at the same time allow for reasonable development costs for the developer and homeowner.
B. This title is intended to establish regulations specifically needed to:
1. Provide for the orderly division of land by requiring the proper description, monumentation, and recording of subdivided lands.
2. Provide reasonable protection and conservation of those natural resources (land, air, vegetation, water) upon which the continued prosperity, safety, health, and welfare of the community may depend.
3. Prevent scattered development beyond the reasonable service area of the community facilities and utilities.
C. It is also the intention of this title that any land divided hereunder shall result in the creation of lots that are of sufficient size and shape to be practically used and that will serve the public in a reasonable fashion over a long period of time. (1984 Code § 6-1-3)