Fire Department
32.01 Created; composition
Housing Commission
32.20 Findings of Council reaffirmed
32.21 Composition; appointment, terms and removal of members
32.22 Tenant members
32.23 Qualifications
32.24 Meetings; rules and procedures
32.25 Functions
32.26 Powers
Recreation Commission
32.45 Created; membership
32.46 Qualifications; terms of members
32.47 Advisory members
32.48 Officers
32.49 Committees
32.50 Meetings, by-laws and quorum
32.51 Powers and duties
Redevelopment Agency
32.60 Establishment
32.61 City Council to serve as Redevelopment Agency
Planning Agency
32.70 Created; composition
32.71 Functions
32.72 Powers
Planning Commission
32.80 Created; composition; appointment
32.81 Organization
32.82 Advisory and other functions
32.83 Expenditures
(A) The Housing Commission will consist of seven members appointed in conformance with this code.
(B) Commissioners may be removed for cause by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council.
(C) Commissioners appointed to fill vacancies arising during a term shall serve only for the remainder of the term of the replaced Commissioner.
('81 Code, § 2.40.020) (Am. Ord. 1029 , passed 7-19-99; Am. Ord. 1077, passed 10-20-03)
(A) Pursuant to the provisions of Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 34270 and 34130, at least two members of the Housing Commission shall be tenants of the housing authority. One such tenant commissioner shall be over the age of 62 years, if the housing authority has tenants of that age.
(B) The term of any tenant commissioner shall be two years from the date of appointment.
(C) If a tenant commissioner ceases to be a tenant of the housing authority, he shall be disqualified from serving as a commissioner and another tenant of the housing authority shall be appointed to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
(D) A tenant commissioner shall have all the powers, duties, privileges and immunities of any other commissioner.
('81 Code, § 2.40.030)