(A) The officers of the Recreation Commission shall be a chairperson and vice-chairperson. Their respective duties shall be as such as are usually imposed upon such officers.
(B) Each officer shall hold office for one year or until his successor is elected.
(C) A recording secretary shall be furnished for Commission meetings by appropriate action of the City Manager as approved by the City Council.
('81 Code, § 2.32.040)
(A) The Recreation Commission shall meet at least once each calendar month, at a time and place determined by its members.
(B) The Commission shall adopt such by-laws and rules and regulations as it finds necessary to the performance of its duties.
(C) A majority of members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the vote of a majority of a quorum shall be necessary to any transaction or decision.
('81 Code, § 2.32.060)
The Recreation Commission shall:
(A) Advise and assist the Council in all matters pertaining to public recreation;
(B) Advise and aid the Community Services Director in making plans for and in conducting recreational activities within the city;
(C) May submit recommendations to the City Council on all matters relative to parks and parkways as may be appropriate or as requested by the City Council;
(D) Formulate general policies for the conduct of the City Recreation Department;
(E) Render to the Council annually and at such other times as the Council may determine a public report of its activities and of the activities and status of public recreation programs;
(F) Make such investigations or surveys in the field of recreation as the Council may request and report its findings and recommendations to the Council; and
(G) Submit to the Council, annually, and through the City Manager at such time as may be designated, a proposed budget providing for the conduct of recreational activities for the ensuing fiscal year.
('81 Code, § 2.32.070)
It is found and declared, pursuant to Cal. Health & Safety Code § 33101, that there is a need for the Redevelopment Agency created by Cal. Health & Safety Code § 33100 to function in the city and said agency is authorized to transact business and exercise its powers pursuant to and under the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law, being Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 3300 et seq.
('81 Code, § 2.50.010) (Ord. 917, passed - -89)