It is found and declared, pursuant to Cal. Health & Safety Code § 33101, that there is a need for the Redevelopment Agency created by Cal. Health & Safety Code § 33100 to function in the city and said agency is authorized to transact business and exercise its powers pursuant to and under the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law, being Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 3300 et seq.
('81 Code, § 2.50.010) (Ord. 917, passed - -89)
(A) The City Council, pursuant to Cal. Health & Safety Code § 33200, declares itself to be the Redevelopment Agency as provided in this sub-chapter, and that all rights, powers, duties, privileges and immunities vested by the Community Redevelop-ment Law in such agency shall be, and are, vested in this body. The City Council further finds that this action shall serve the public interest and promote the public safety and welfare in an effective manner.
(B) The City Clerk is authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of the ordinance codified in this section to the Secretary of State upon its adoption by the City Council.
('81 Code, § 2.50.020) (Ord. 917, passed - -89)
A City Planning Agency is created consisting of the City Planning Department, which shall be headed by the Planning Director, the City Planning Commission and the City Council.
('81 Code, § 2.20.010)
Statutory reference:
Planning agencies, see Cal. Gov't Code §§ 65100 et seq.