General Provisions
   150.001   Building laws adopted
   150.002   Copies of laws on file
   150.003   Building Code revisions
   150.004   Definitions
   150.005   Dust control during construction
   150.006   Exemption of emergency fallout shelters from permit fees
   150.007   Fee schedule revised
   150.008   Bars, grills or screens
   150.009   Drainage plan required
   150.010   Fees for drainage review
   150.011   Fee changes to building laws
Moving Buildings
   150.020   Definition
   150.021   Deposit required; deposit to indemnify city for damage
   150.022   Inspection fee required
   150.023   Additional fee required to park or store building being moved; use of deposit to pay for damages
   150.024   Mover required to complete cleanup operations; use of deposit to pay city to complete cleaning
   150.025   Refund of unused portion of deposit
   150.026   Payment of expenses or damage in excess of deposit
   150.027   Insurance requirements
Fire Zones
   150.040   Fire Zone No. 1
   150.041   Fire Zone No. 2
   150.042   Fire Zone No. 3
Building Numbering
   150.055   Office of official numberer created; duties
   150.056   Location and specifications for number signs
   150.057   Numbers assigned only by official numberer
   150.058   Display of official numbers required
   150.059   Owners to obtain official numbers
   150.060   Notification of owners to be duty of Building Inspector; placement of numbers by property owners; removal of unassigned numbers
   150.061   Failure to comply; notice
Unused or Abandoned Service Stations
   150.070   Purpose
   150.071   Enforcement authority
   150.072   Definitions
   150.073   Declaration of public nuisance
   150.074   Commencement of proceedings; notice of violation
   150.075   Reoccupation or reinstitution of use
   150.076   Conditional use permit for conversion of use
   150.077   Voluntary abatement
   150.078   Notice of hearing
   150.079   Hearings; action by Council
   150.080   Costs of abatement
   150.081   Alternative procedures
   150.082   Appeals
   150.083   Action by resolution
Residential Rental Inspection
   150.095   Definitions
   150.096   Registration and inspection required
   150.097   Utility connection
   150.098   Application; filing
   150.099   Annual inspection required
   150.100   Reinspection
   150.101   Certificate; contents and when void
   150.102   Exemptions
   150.103   Interior inspections
   150.104   Appeals by aggrieved persons
   150.105   Failure to comply with codes and regulations; declaration of public nuisance
Safety Assessment Placards
   150.120   Purpose
   150.121   Scope
   150.122   Definitions
   150.123   Placards
   150.999   Penalty
Statutory reference:
   Authority of city to regulate building, construction and removal of buildings, see Cal. Gov't Code §§ 38601 and 38660 and Cal.
   Health and Safety Code § 17951 Regulation of buildings generally, see Cal. Health and Safety Code §§ 17910 to 17995