23.25.001 Policy regarding subdivisions
23.25.002 Subdivisions; minimum parcel size less than five acres
23.25.003 Subdivisions; minimum parcel size five acres or greater
23.25.004 Subdivisions, planned unit development
23.25.005 Subdivisions and parks, mobile home or travel trailer
23.25.006 Open space easements
23.25.007 Maintenance of subdivision facilities
23.25.008 General standards
23.25.009 Streets
23.25.010 Blocks
23.25.011 Lots
23.25.012 Recreational facilities
23.25.013 Grading and erosion control
(A) It is the policy of the Board of Supervisors to discourage urban-density subdivisions in unincorporated county areas and encourage annexation of the developments to incorporated cities. Where permitted without the annexation, arrangements must be made for urban services, including sewer and water connections, street lighting and any other services that require ongoing maintenance. No septic tanks will be permitted in these subdivisions. Arrangements for these services may be through a homeowner's association, either existing or formed, or through another type of legal entity as may be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
(B) A homeowners' association, or other entity as may be approved by the county, may contract with existing agencies to provide all or any portion of the services, or may itself provide all or any portion of the services. Cost of capital improvements, connection fees and other charges and costs necessary to initiate operation of any services shall be borne by the subdivider.
(1966 Code, §17A-1) (Ord. 855, § 3, 2010)
(A) Minimum lot size: as provided in the San Benito County Zoning Ordinance or amendments thereto.
(B) Minimum average lot width: ratio of the width of the lot to its depth shall not exceed one to three.
(C) Septic tanks will only be permitted where percolation tests, performed by a registered engineer or public agency, show soil conditions: determined to be suitable for septic tanks by the Health Department.
(D) Based on the magnitude of the expected development of a proposed subdivision, the Board of Supervisors may require that the subdivider provide urban services to the extent determined desirable by the Board. Where size or intensity of development is such that soils, while permeable and adequate for a limited number of septic tanks, may be overloaded by the volume of effluent from the number of units to be expected, septic tanks may be excluded or limited in number. An alternative, under suitable conditions, would be collection lines from the initial increment of dwellings to a master septic tank system, to be replaced at an appropriate time by a disposal plant.
(E) Open space shall be provided pursuant to general plan policies and the zoning ordinance.
(1966 Code, § 17A-2)