(A)   It is the policy of the Board of Supervisors to discourage urban-density subdivisions in unincorporated county areas and encourage annexation of the developments to incorporated cities. Where permitted without the annexation, arrangements must be made for urban services, including sewer and water connections, street lighting and any other services that require ongoing maintenance. No septic tanks will be permitted in these subdivisions. Arrangements for these services may be through a homeowner's association, either existing or formed, or through another type of legal entity as may be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
   (B)   A homeowners' association, or other entity as may be approved by the county, may contract with existing agencies to provide all or any portion of the services, or may itself provide all or any portion of the services. Cost of capital improvements, connection fees and other charges and costs necessary to initiate operation of any services shall be borne by the subdivider.
(1966 Code, §17A-1) (Ord. 855, § 3, 2010)