The Planning Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or deny a planned development based upon written findings of fact according to each of the following standards. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide written and graphic evidence demonstrating compliance with the following standards:
   A.   Planned Development Objectives: The planned development shall meet the purpose statement for a planned development (section 21A.55.010 of this chapter) and will achieve at least one of the objectives stated in said section. To determine if a planned development objective has been achieved, the applicant shall demonstrate that at least one of the strategies associated with the objective are included in the proposed planned development. The applicant shall also demonstrate why modifications to the zoning regulations are necessary to meet the purpose statement for a planned development. The Planning Commission should consider the relationship between the proposed modifications to the zoning regulations and the purpose of a planned development, and determine if the project will result in a more enhanced product than would be achievable through strict application of the land use regulations.
   B.   Master Plan Compatibility: The proposed planned development is generally consistent with adopted policies set forth in the Citywide, community, and/or small area Master Plan that is applicable to the site where the planned development will be located.
   C.   Design And Compatibility: The proposed planned development is compatible with the area the planned development will be located and is designed to achieve a more enhanced product than would be achievable through strict application of land use regulations. In determining design and compatibility, the Planning Commission should consider:
      1.   Whether the scale, mass, and intensity of the proposed planned development is compatible with the neighborhood where the planned development will be located and/or the policies stated in an applicable Master Plan related to building and site design;
      2.   Whether the building orientation and building materials in the proposed planned development are compatible with the neighborhood where the planned development will be located and/or the policies stated in an applicable Master Plan related to building and site design;
      3.   Whether building setbacks along the perimeter of the development:
         a.   Maintain the visual character of the neighborhood or the character described in the applicable Master Plan.
         b.   Provide sufficient space for private amenities.
         c.   Provide sufficient open space buffering between the proposed development and neighboring properties to minimize impacts related to privacy and noise.
         d.   Provide adequate sight lines to streets, driveways and sidewalks.
         e.   Provide sufficient space for maintenance.
      4.   Whether building facades offer ground floor transparency, access, and architectural detailing to facilitate pedestrian interest and interaction;
      5.   Whether lighting is designed for safety and visual interest while minimizing impacts on surrounding property;
      6.   Whether dumpsters, loading docks and/or service areas are appropriately screened; and
      7.   Whether parking areas are appropriately buffered from adjacent uses.
   D.   Landscaping: The proposed planned development preserves, maintains or provides native landscaping where appropriate. In determining the landscaping for the proposed planned development, the Planning Commission should consider:
      1.   Whether mature native trees located along the periphery of the property and along the street are preserved and maintained;
      2.   Whether existing landscaping that provides additional buffering to the abutting properties is maintained and preserved;
      3.   Whether proposed landscaping is designed to lessen potential impacts created by the proposed planned development; and
      4.   Whether proposed landscaping is appropriate for the scale of the development.
   E.   Mobility: The proposed planned development supports Citywide transportation goals and promotes safe and efficient circulation within the site and surrounding neighborhood. In determining mobility, the Planning Commission should consider:
      1.   Whether drive access to local streets will negatively impact the safety, purpose and character of the street;
      2.   Whether the site design considers safe circulation for a range of transportation options including:
         a.   Safe and accommodating pedestrian environment and pedestrian oriented design;
         b.   Bicycle facilities and connections where appropriate, and orientation to transit where available; and
         c.   Minimizing conflicts between different transportation modes;
      3.   Whether the site design of the proposed development promotes or enables access to adjacent uses and amenities;
      4.   Whether the proposed design provides adequate emergency vehicle access; and
      5.   Whether loading access and service areas are adequate for the site and minimize impacts to the surrounding area and public rights-of-way.
   F.   Existing Site Features: The proposed planned development preserves natural and built features that significantly contribute to the character of the neighborhood and/or environment.
   G.   Utilities: Existing and/or planned utilities will adequately serve the development and not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area. (Ord. 8-18, 2018)