A planned development is intended to encourage the efficient use of land and resources, promoting greater efficiency in public and utility services and encouraging innovation in the planning and building of all types of development. Further, a planned development implements the purpose statement of the zoning district in which the project is located, utilizing an alternative approach to the design of the property and related physical facilities. A planned development incorporates special development characteristics that help to achieve City goals identified in adopted Master Plans and that provide an overall benefit to the community as determined by the planned development objectives. A planned development will result in a more enhanced product than would be achievable through strict application of land use regulations, while enabling the development to be compatible with adjacent and nearby land developments. The City seeks to achieve at least one or any combination of the following objectives through the planned development process. Each objective includes strategies that are intended to be used to determine if an objective has been accomplished through a specific proposal:
   A.   Open Space And Natural Lands: Preserving, protecting or creating open space and natural lands:
      1.   Inclusion of community gathering places or public recreational opportunities, such as new trails or trails that connect to existing or planned trail systems, playgrounds or other similar types of facilities.
      2.   Preservation of critical lands, watershed areas, riparian corridors and/or the urban forest.
      3.   Development of connected greenways and/or wildlife corridors.
      4.   Daylighting of creeks/water bodies.
      5.   Inclusion of local food production areas, such as community gardens.
      6.   Clustering of development to preserve open spaces.
   B.   Historic Preservation:
      1.   Preservation, restoration, or adaptive reuse of buildings or structures that contribute to the character of the City either architecturally and/or historically, and that contribute to the general welfare of the residents of the City.
      2.   Preservation of, or enhancement to, historically significant landscapes that contribute to the character of the City and contribute to the general welfare of the City's residents.
   C.   Housing: Providing affordable housing or types of housing that helps achieve the City's housing goals and policies:
      1.   Affordable housing that meets the requirements of Section 21A.52.050.
      2.   The proposal includes housing types that are not commonly found in the existing neighborhood but are of a scale that is typical to the neighborhood.
   D.   Mobility: Enhances accessibility and mobility:
      1.   Creating new interior block walkway connections that connect through a block or improve connectivity to transit or the bicycle network.
      2.   Improvements that encourage transportation options other than just the automobile.
   E.   Sustainability: Creation of a project that achieves exceptional performance with regards to resource consumption and impact on natural systems:
      1.   Energy Use And Generation: Design of the building, its systems, and/or site that allow for a significant reduction in energy usage as compared with other buildings of similar type and/or the generation of energy from an on-site renewable resource.
      2.   Reuse Of Priority Site: Locate on a brownfield where soil or groundwater contamination has been identified, and where the local, State, or national authority (whichever has jurisdiction) requires its remediation. Perform remediation to the satisfaction of that authority.
   F.   Master Plan Implementation: A project that helps implement portions of an adopted Master Plan in instances where the Master Plan provides specific guidance on the character of the immediate vicinity of the proposal:
      1.   A project that is consistent with the guidance of the Master Plan related to building scale, building orientation, site layout, or other similar character defining features. (Ord. 74-23, 2023: Ord. 8-18, 2018)