A. Statement of Intent: The G-MU Gateway-Mixed Use District is intended to provide an urban setting for residential and commercial, developments, and implement the objectives of the Downtown Plan through district regulations that reinforce the mixed use character of the area and encourage the development of urban neighborhoods containing supportive retail, service commercial, office, and high density residential.
B. Uses: Uses in the G-MU Gateway-Mixed District as specified in Section 21A.33.060, "Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses in the Gateway District", of this title, are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in this section.
C. Permitted Uses: The uses specified as permitted uses, in Section 21A.33.060, "Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses in the Gateway District", of this title are permitted; provided, that they comply with all requirements of this chapter, the general standards set forth in Part IV of this title, and all other applicable requirements of this title.
D. Conditional Uses: The uses specified as conditional uses in Section 21A.33.060, "Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses in the Gateway District", of this title, shall be permitted in the G-MU Gateway-Mixed Use District provided they are approved pursuant to the standards and procedures for conditional uses set forth in Chapter 21A.54 of this title.
E. Midblock Walkways: As part of the city's plan for the downtown area, it is intended that midblock walkways be provided to increase pedestrian connectivity and overall livability downtown through the creation of an intricate pedestrian network. The city has adopted the Downtown Plan that includes a midblock walkway map and establishes a need for such walkways as the Downtown grows. Because the districts within the downtown area allow building heights that exceed those of other districts in the city, the requirement for a midblock walkway is considered to be necessary to alleviate pedestrian impacts on the public sidewalks by dispersing future use of the public sidewalks. This requirement implements the city's Downtown Plan and provides visual relief from the additional height that is available in these zone districts when compared to the remainder of the city. All buildings constructed after the effective date hereof within the Downtown zoning districts shall conform to this officially adopted plan for midblock walkways, in addition to the following standards:
1. Any new development shall provide a midblock walkway if a midblock walkway on the subject property has been identified in a master plan that has been adopted by the city.
2. The following standards apply to the midblock walkway:
a. The midblock walkway must be a minimum of fifteen (15') wide and include a minimum six feet (6') wide unobstructed path.
b. The midblock walkway may be incorporated into the building provided it is open to the public. A sign shall be posted indicating that the public may use the walkway.
c. Building encroachments into the midblock walkway are permitted if they include one or more of the following elements:
(1) Colonnades;
(2) Staircases;
(3) Balconies: All balconies must be located at the third story or above;
(4) Building overhangs and associated cantilever - These coverings may be between nine (9) and fourteen feet (14') above the level of the sidewalk. They shall provide a minimum depth of coverage of six feet (6') and project no closer to the curb than three feet (3');
(5) Skybridge: A single skybridge is permitted. All skybridges must be located at the third, fourth, or fifth stories; and
(6) Other architectural element(s) not listed above that offers refuge from weather and/or provide publicly accessible usable space.

F. Modifications of Standards: A modification to the provisions of this chapter may be granted through the design review process, subject to conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
G. Midblock Street Development: Developments constructing midblock streets, either privately owned with a public easement or publicly dedicated, that are desired by an applicable master plan:
1. May transfer a portion or all of the above ground development square footage of the proposed new midblock street to other land within the proposed development.
2. May increase the height of the building on the remaining land within the development site to a height necessary to accommodate the development square footage of the proposed right of way that is being transferred.
3. Any proposal under this section shall be subject to conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59, "Design Review", of this title.
H. Parking:
1. Belowground Parking Facilities: No special design and setback restrictions shall apply to belowground parking facilities.
2. Landscape Requirements: Surface parking lots shall have a landscaped setback of at least twenty feet (20') and meet interior landscaped requirements as outlined in Chapter 21A.48 of this title.
3. Design Review Approval: A modification to the restrictions on parking lots and structures provisions of this section may be granted through the design review process, subject to conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. Such conditional uses shall also be subject to urban design evaluation.
4. Parking structures shall conform to the requirements set forth in Chapter 21A.37 of this title.
I. Outdoor Sales, Display and Storage: "Sales and display (outdoor)" and "storage and display (outdoor)", is permitted for retail uses and the retail components of other permitted and conditional uses authorized in Section 21A.33.060 "Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses in the Gateway District. These uses shall conform to the following:
1. Outdoor sales and display and outdoor storage may also be permitted when part of an authorized temporary use as established in Chapter 21A.42 of this title;
2. The outdoor sales or display of merchandise shall not encroach into areas of required parking for longer than thirty (30) days;
3. The outdoor permanent sales or display of merchandise shall not be located in any required yard area within the lot when the lot abuts a residential zoning district;
4. The outdoor sales or display of merchandise shall not include the use of banners, pennants or strings of pennants. (Ord. 24B-23, 2023: Ord. 24-23, 2023: Ord. 67-22, 2022: Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 62-13, 2013: Ord. 15-13, 2013: Ord. 83-98 § 6 (Exh. D), 1998)
A. Purpose Statement: The G-MU Gateway-Mixed Use District is intended to implement the objectives of the adopted Downtown Plan and encourage the mixture of residential, commercial and assembly uses within an urban neighborhood atmosphere. The 200 South corridor is intended to encourage commercial development on an urban scale and the 500 West corridor is intended to be a primary residential corridor from North Temple to 400 South. Development in this district is intended to create an urban neighborhood that provides employment and economic development opportunities that are oriented toward the pedestrian with a strong emphasis on a safe and attractive streetscape. The standards are intended to achieve established objectives for urban and historic design, pedestrian amenities and land use regulation.
B. Special Provisions:
1. Commercial Uses, 200 South: All buildings fronting 200 South shall have commercial uses that may include retail goods/service establishments, offices, restaurants, art galleries, motion picture theaters or performing arts facilities shall be provided on the first floor adjacent to the front or corner side lot line. The facades of such first floor shall be compatible and consistent with the associated retail or office portion of the building and other retail uses in the area.
2. Residential Units, 500 West: Buildings fronting on 500 West shall be required to have residential units occupying a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the structure's gross square footage.
C. Building Height: The minimum building height shall be seventy five feet (75'). The maximum building height shall not exceed one hundred eighty feet (180').
1. Design Review: A modification to building height over ninety feet (90') in height shall only be allowed if approved through the design review process, subject to conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and subject to compliance to the applicable master plan.
D. All buildings shall be designed with a base that is differentiated from the remainder of the building. The base shall be between one and three stories in height, be visible from pedestrian view, and appropriately scaled to the surrounding contiguous historic buildings. The base shall include fenestration that distinguishes the lower from upper floors. Insets and/or projections are encouraged. The ground floor of all new buildings shall have a minimum floor to ceiling height of sixteen feet (16').
E. Yard Requirements: No minimum setback requirements. A maximum setback of ten feet (10') is allowed for up to thirty percent (30%) of the building facade.
1. If provided, the yard must include one of the following elements:
a. Seating at a ratio of at least one bench for every five hundred (500) square feet of yard space; or
b. Landscaping that includes an increase of at least twenty five percent (25%) in the total number of trees required to be planted on the site; or
c. Awning or a similar form of weather protection that covers at least five feet (5') in width and length from all street-facing building entrances.
2. Regardless of the setback provided, doors shall be setback a minimum distance to allow the door to operate without swinging into a right of way or midblock walkway.
3. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may modify this requirement to accommodate a wider sidewalk if the adjacent public sidewalk is less than fifteen feet (15') wide and the resulting modification to the setback results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following:
a. The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the original structure or the surrounding architecture, or
b. The addition reduces the extent of the noncompliance of the existing building.
4. Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
5. Ground floor residential uses shall have a minimum setback of ten feet (10'). This setback shall be incorporated into a private yard for the ground floor units. (Ord. 24B-23, 2023: Ord. 24-23, 2023: Ord. 67-22, 2022: Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 15-13, 2013)