A.   Purpose Statement: The purpose of the CG General Commercial District is to provide an environment for a variety of commercial uses, some of which involve the outdoor display/storage of merchandise or materials. This district provides economic development opportunities through a mix of land uses, including retail sales and services, entertainment, office, residential, heavy commercial and low intensities of manufacturing and warehouse uses. This district is appropriate in locations where supported by applicable master plans and along major arterials. Safe, convenient and inviting connections that provide access to businesses from public sidewalks, bike paths and streets are necessary. Access should follow a hierarchy that places the pedestrian first, bicycle second and automobile third. The standards are intended to create a safe and aesthetically pleasing commercial environment for all users.
   B.   Uses: Uses in the CG General Commercial District as specified in Section 21A.33.030, "Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Commercial Districts", of this title are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in Section 21A.26.010 and this section.
   C.   Minimum Lot Size:
      1.   Minimum Lot Area: ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
      2.   Minimum Lot Width: sixty feet (60').
      3.   Existing Lots: Lots legally existing prior to April 12, 1995, shall be considered legal conforming lots.
   D.   Minimum Yard Requirements:
      1.   Front Yard: Five feet (5').
      2.   Corner Side Yard: ten feet (10').
      3.   Interior Side Yard: None required.
      4.   Rear Yard: ten feet (10').
      5.   Landscape Buffer Yard: All lots abutting residential property shall conform to the landscape buffer yard requirements of Chapter 21A.48, "Landscaping and Buffers", of this title.
      6.   Accessory Buildings and Structures in Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in a required yard subject to Section 21A.36.020, Table 21A.36.020.B of this title.
   E.   Maximum Yard: The maximum yard requirement is ten feet (10').
      1.   If provided, the yard must include one of the following elements:
         a.   Seating at a ratio of at least one bench for every five hundred (500) square feet of yard space; or
         b.   Landscaping that includes an increase of at least twenty five percent (25%) in the total number of trees required to be planted on the site; or
         c.   Awning or a similar form of weather protection that covers at least five feet in width and length from all street-facing building entrances.
      2.   Regardless of the setback provided, doors shall be setback a minimum distance to allow the door to operate without swinging into a right of way or midblock walkway.
      3.   All provided front or corner side yards must contain a tree every thirty feet (30').
      4.   The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may modify this requirement to accommodate a wider sidewalk if the adjacent public sidewalk is less than fifteen feet (15') wide and the resulting modification to the setback results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following:
         a.   The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the original structure or the surrounding architecture, or
         b.   The addition reduces the extent of the noncompliance of the existing building.
      5.   Exceptions to this subsection may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
   F.   Landscape Yard Requirements: A landscape yard of five feet (5') shall be required on all front or corner side yards, conforming to the requirements of Chapter 21A.48 of this title.
   G.   Maximum Height: No building shall exceed seventy five feet (75') unless the property is within the following boundary: from 400 South to 700 South from 300 West to I-15, where buildings shall not exceed one hundred fifty feet (150'). Additionally, buildings taller than seventy five feet (75') to a maximum of one hundred and five feet (105') outside of the described boundary may be allowed in accordance with the provisions of Subsections G.1 through G.3 of this section.
Illustration of Regulation 21A.26.070.G Maximum Height
      1.   Procedure For Modification: A modification to the height regulations, in this Subsection G may be granted through the design review process in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. In evaluating an application submitted pursuant to this section, the planning commission or in the case of an administrative approval the planning director or designee, shall find that the increased height will result in improved site layout and amenities.
      2.   Outdoor Usable Space: If additional height is approved, the site shall include outdoor usable space for the building occupants that is equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the gross floor area of the additional floors. The outdoor usable area may be located within a wider park strip that extends further into the right of way than the current park strip, in midblock walkways that include a public access easement, in rooftop gardens, plazas, or in a provided yard that exceeds the minimum yard requirement. The outdoor usable space shall include a minimum dimension of at least ten feet (10') by ten feet (10').
      3.   Maximum Additional Height for Properties Outside of Boundary Identified in Subsection G: Additional height shall be limited to thirty feet (30') subject to the provisions in Subsection G.2 for a maximum height of one hundred five feet (105').
   H.   Midblock Walkways: As part of the city's plan for the downtown area, it is intended that midblock walkways be provided to facilitate pedestrian movement within the area. The city has adopted the Downtown Plan that includes a midblock walkway map and establishes a need for such walkways as the Downtown area grows. Because the districts within the downtown area allow building heights that exceed those of other districts in the city, the requirement for a midblock walkway is considered to be necessary to alleviate pedestrian impacts on the public sidewalks by dispersing future use of the public sidewalks. This requirement implements the city's Downtown Plan and provides visual relief from the additional height that is available in these zone districts when compared to the remainder of the city. All buildings constructed after the effective date hereof within the Downtown zoning districts shall conform to this officially adopted plan for midblock walkways, in addition to the following standards:
      1.   Any new development shall provide a midblock walkway if a midblock walkway on the subject property has been identified in a master plan that has been adopted by the city.
      2.   The following standards apply to the midblock walkway:
         a.   The midblock walkway must be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') wide and include a minimum six feet (6') wide unobstructed path.
         b.   The midblock walkway may be incorporated into the building provided it is open to the public. A sign shall be posted indicating that the public may use the walkway.
         c.   Building encroachments into the midblock walkway are permitted if they include one or more of the following elements:
         (1)   Colonnades;
         (2)   Staircases;
         (3)   Balconies - All balconies must be located at the third story or above;
         (4)   Building overhangs and associated cantilever - These coverings may be between nine feet (9') and fourteen feet (14') above the level of the sidewalk. They shall provide a minimum depth of coverage of six feet (6') and project no closer to the curb than three feet (3');
         (5)   Skybridge - A single skybridge is permitted. All skybridges must be located at the third, fourth, or fifth stories; and
         (6)   Other architectural element(s) not listed above that offers refuge from weather and/or provide publicly accessible usable space.
Illustration of Regulation 21A.26.070.H Midblock Walkways
   I.   Restrictions on Parking Lots and Structures: An excessive amount of at or above ground parking lots and structures can negatively impact the urban design objectives of the General Commercial (CG) District. To control such impacts, the following regulations shall apply to parking facilities that are at or above ground:
      1.   Parking shall be located behind principal buildings or incorporated into the principal building provided the parking is wrapped on street facing facades with a use allowed in the zone other than parking.
      2.   Parking lots not wholly behind the principal building are limited to no more than two double-loaded parking aisles (bays) adjacent to each other. The length of a parking lot shall not exceed ten (10) stalls.
      3.   No special restrictions shall apply to belowground parking facilities.
      4.   Parking structures shall conform to the requirements set forth in Chapter 21A.37 of this title.
      5.   All parking lot and structure landscaping must comply with the provisions set forth in Chapter 21A.48 of this title. (Ord. 12-24, 2024: Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 24B-23, 2023: Ord. 24-23, 2023: Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 15-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 61-09 § 18, 2009: Ord. 3-01 § 2, 2001: Ord. 35-99 § 27, 1999: Ord. 26-95 § 2(13-6), 1995)