A.   Purpose Statement: The CB Community Business District is intended to provide for the close integration of moderately sized commercial areas with adjacent residential neighborhoods. The design guidelines are intended to facilitate retail that is pedestrian in its orientation and scale, while also acknowledging the importance of transit and automobile access to the site.
   B.   Uses: Uses in the CB Community Business District as specified in section 21A.33.030, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Commercial Districts", of this title are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.26.010 of this chapter and this section.
   C.   Planned Development Review: Planned developments, which meet the intent of the ordinance, but not the specific design criteria outlined in the following subsections, may be approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.55 of this title.
   D.   Lot Size Requirements: No minimum lot area or lot width is required, however any lot exceeding four (4) acres in size shall be allowed only through the design review process (chapter 21A.59 of this title).
   E.   Building Size Limits: Buildings in excess of seven thousand five hundred (7,500) gross square feet of floor area for a first floor footprint or in excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) gross square feet floor area overall, shall be allowed only through the design review process (chapter 21A.59 of this title). An unfinished basement used only for storage or parking shall be allowed in addition to the total square footage. In addition to the design review standards in chapter 21A.59 of this title, the Planning Commission shall also consider the following standards:
      1.   Compatibility: The proposed height and width of new buildings and additions shall be visually compatible with buildings found on the block face.
      2.   Roofline: The roof shape of a new building or addition shall be similar to roof shapes found on the block face.
      3.   Vehicular Access: New buildings and additions shall provide a continuous street wall of buildings with minimal breaks for vehicular access.
      4.   Facade Design: Facade treatments should be used to break up the mass of larger buildings so they appear to be multiple, smaller scale buildings. Varied rooflines, varied facade planes, upper story step backs, and lower building heights for portions of buildings next to less intensive zoning districts may be used to reduce the apparent size of the building.
      5.   Buffers: When located next to low density residential uses, the Planning Commission may require larger setbacks, landscape buffers and/or fencing than what are required by this title if the impacts of the building mass and location of the building on the site create noise, light trespass or impacts created by parking and service areas.
      6.   Step Backs: When abutting single-story development and/or a public street, the Planning Commission may require that any story above the ground story be stepped back from the building foundation at grade to address compatibility issues with the other buildings on the block face and/or uses.
   F.   Minimum Yard Requirements:
      1.   Front or Corner Side Yard: No minimum yard is required. If a front yard is provided, it shall comply with all provisions of this title applicable to front or corner side yards, including landscaping, fencing, and obstructions.
      2.   Interior Side Yard: None required.
      3.   Rear Yard: Ten feet (10').
      4.   Landscape Buffer Yards: Any lot abutting a lot in a Residential District shall conform to the landscape buffer yard requirements of Chapter 21A.48, "Landscaping and Buffers", of this title.
      5.   Accessory Buildings and Structures in Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in a required yard subject to Section 21A.36.020, Table 21A.36.020B of this title.
      6.   Maximum Setback: A maximum setback is required for at least seventy five percent (75%) of the building facade. The maximum setback is fifteen feet (15'). Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and approval of the planning commission. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent public sidewalk is substandard and the resulting modification to the setback results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following:
         a.   The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the original structure or the surrounding architecture.
         b.   The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert the intent of the ordinance.
      Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
   G.   Landscape Yard Requirements: If a front or corner side yard is provided, such yard shall be maintained as a landscape yard. The landscape yard can take the form of a patio or plaza, subject to site plan review approval.
   H.   Maximum Height: Thirty feet (30'). (Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 67-22, 2022: Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 12-17, 2017)