A.   Purpose Statement: The purpose of the R-MU Residential/Mixed Use District is to reinforce the mixed use character of the area and encourage the development of areas as high density residential urban neighborhoods containing retail, service commercial, and small scale office uses. This district is appropriate in areas of the City where the applicable master plans support high density, mixed use development. The standards for the district are intended to facilitate the creation of a walkable urban neighborhood with an emphasis on pedestrian scale activity while acknowledging the need for transit and automobile access.
   B.   Uses: Uses in the R-MU Residential/Mixed Use District as specified in section 21A.33.020, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Residential Districts", of this title are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.24.010 of this chapter and this section.
   C.   Planned Development Review: Planned developments, which meet the intent of the ordinance, but not the specific design criteria outlined in the following subsections, may be approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.55 of this title.
   D.   Minimum Lot Area And Lot Width: The minimum lot areas and lot widths required in this district are as follows:
Land Use
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Land Use
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Multi-family dwellings
No minimum lot area required
50 feet
Municipal service uses, including City utility uses and police and fire stations
No minimum
No minimum
Natural open space and conservation areas, public and private
No minimum
No minimum
Nonresidential uses
No minimum
No minimum
Places of worship less than 4 acres in size
5,000 square feet
50 feet
Public pedestrian pathways, trails and greenways
No minimum
No minimum
Public/private utility transmission wires, lines, pipes and poles
No minimum
No minimum
Single-family attached dwellings
3,000 square feet per dwelling unit
Interior: 22 feet
Corner: 32 feet
Single-family detached dwellings
5,000 square feet
50 feet
Twin home dwellings
4,000 square feet per dwelling unit
25 feet
Two-family dwellings
8,000 square feet
50 feet
Utility substations and buildings
5,000 square feet
50 feet
Other permitted or conditional uses as listed in section 21A.33.020 of this title
5,000 square feet
50 feet
   E.   Minimum Yard Requirements:
      1.   Single-Family Detached Dwellings:
         a.   Front Yard: Fifteen feet (15').
         b.   Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10').
         c.   Interior Side Yard:
            (1)   Corner lots: Four feet (4').
            (2)   Interior lots: Four feet (4') on one side and ten feet (10') on the other.
         d.   Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of the lot depth, but need not be more than twenty feet (20').
      2.   Single-Family Attached, Two-Family and Twin Home Dwellings:
         a.   Front Yard: Fifteen feet (15').
         b.   Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10').
         c.   Interior Side Yard:
            (1)   Single-family attached: No yard is required, however if one is provided it shall not be less than four feet (4').
            (2)   Two-family:
               (A)   Interior lot: Four feet (4') on one side and ten feet (10') on the other.
               (B)   Corner lot: Four feet (4').
            (3)   Twin home: No yard is required along one side lot line. A ten foot (10') yard is required on the other.
         d.   Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of lot depth or twenty five feet (25'), whichever is less.
      3.   Multi-Family Dwellings and Any Other Residential Uses:
         a.   Front Yard: No setback is required.
         b.   Corner Side Yard: No setback is required.
         c.   Interior Side Yard: No setback is required.
         d.   Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of lot depth, but need not exceed thirty feet (30').
      4.   Nonresidential Development:
         a.   Front Yard: No setback is required.
         b.   Corner Side Yard: No setback is required.
         c.   Interior Side Yard: No setback is required.
         d.   Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of lot depth, but need not exceed thirty feet (30').
      5.   Existing Lots: Lots legally existing on the effective date hereof, April 12, 1995, shall be considered legal conforming lots.
      6.   Minimum Lot Area Exemptions: For multiple-unit residential uses, nonresidential and mixed uses, no minimum lot area is required. In addition, no front, corner side or interior side yards or landscaped yards are required; except where interior side yards are provided, they shall not be less than four feet (4').
      7.   Existing Buildings: For buildings legally existing on the effective date hereof, required yards shall be no greater than the established setback line.
      8.   Maximum Setback: For single-family, two-family, and twin home dwellings, at least twenty five percent (25%) of the building facade must be located within twenty five feet (25') of the front lot line. For all other uses, at least twenty five percent (25%) of the building facade must be located within fifteen feet (15') of the front lot line. Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized as design review, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and approval of the planning commission. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent public sidewalk is substandard and the resulting modification to the setback results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following:
         a.   The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the original structure or the surrounding architecture.
         b.   The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert the intent of the ordinance.
   Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
   F.   Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed seventy five feet (75'), except that nonresidential buildings and uses shall be limited by subsections F1 and F2 of this section.
      1.   Maximum height for nonresidential buildings: Forty five feet (45').
      2.   Maximum floor area coverage of nonresidential uses in mixed use buildings of residential and nonresidential uses: Three (3) floors.
   G.   Minimum Open Space Area: For residential uses and mixed uses containing residential use, not less than twenty percent (20%) of the lot area shall be maintained as an open space area. This open space area may take the form of landscape yards or plazas and courtyards, subject to site plan review approval.
   H.   Landscape Yards: All front and corner side yards provided shall be maintained as a landscape yard in conformance with chapter 21A.48, "Landscaping And Buffers", of this title.
   I.   Landscape Buffers: Where a lot in the R-MU District abuts a lot in a Single-Family or Two-Family Residential District, landscape buffers shall be provided as required in chapter 21A.48, "Landscaping And Buffers", of this title. (Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 74-23, 2023: Ord. 67-22, 2022: Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 46-17, 2017: Ord. 12-17, 2017)