All applicable fees set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule shall be paid prior to occupancy of any mobile home, including those fees due to the engineering department for sewer lateral connection from the property line to the sewer main line in the street. (Ord. 91-24, 2024: Prior code § 5-13-8)
All streets shall be provided with a smooth, hard and dense surface which shall be durable and well drained under normal use and weather conditions. The surface shall be maintained free of cracks and holes, and its edges shall be protected by suitable means to prevent traveling and shifting of the base. (Ord. 91-24, 2024: Prior code § 5-13-17)
Lighting shall be designed to produce a minimum of 0.1 foot- candle throughout the street system. Potentially hazardous locations, such as major street intersections and steps or stepped ramps, shall be individually illuminated with a minimum of 0.3 foot-candle. (Ord. 91-24, 2024: Prior code § 5-13-18)
Portions of a mobile home lot or recreational vehicle space not occupied by a mobile home or recreational vehicle or accessory buildings or structures shall be landscaped or treated in such a manner as to eliminate dust, weeds, debris and accumulation of rubbish. (Ord. 91-24, 2024: Prior code § 5-13-19)
No person shall use, permit, or cause to be used for occupancy or storage purposes in a mobile home park a mobile home which is structurally unsound, which constitutes a hazard, or which does not protect its occupants against the elements. All mobile homes are subject to Chapter 18.50. (Ord. 91-24, 2024: Prior code § 5-13-20)