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Salt Lake City Overview
Salt Lake City, UT Code of Ordinances
Salt Lake City, UT Policies and Procedures Manual
8.10.010: Purpose
8.10.020: Certain Conduct Unlawful
8.10.030: Hives On Residential Lots
8.10.040: Beekeeper Registration
8.10.050: Hives
8.10.060: Flyways
8.10.070: Water
8.10.080: Beekeeping Equipment
8.10.090: Conflict With County Health Department Regulations
8.10.010: PURPOSE:
The purpose of this chapter is to authorize beekeeping subject to certain requirements intended to avoid problems that may otherwise be associated with beekeeping in populated areas. (Ord. 71-09 § 2, 2009)
Notwithstanding compliance with the various requirements of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to maintain an apiary or to keep any colony on any property in a manner that threatens public health or safety, or creates a nuisance. (Ord. 71-09 § 2, 2009)
   A.   As provided in this chapter, and notwithstanding any contrary provision in title 21A of this code, an apiary, consisting of not more than five (5) hives or an equivalent capacity, may be maintained in a side yard or the rear yard of any residential lot. On a residential lot which is one-half (0.5) acre or larger, the number of hives located on the lot may be increased to ten (10) hives.
   B.   A person shall not locate nor allow a hive on property owned or occupied by another person without first obtaining written permission from the owner or occupant. (Ord. 71-09 § 2, 2009)
Each beekeeper shall be registered with the Utah department of agriculture and food as provided in the Utah bee inspection act set forth in title 4, chapter 11 of the Utah code, as amended. (Ord. 71-09 § 2, 2009)
8.10.050: HIVES:
   A.   Honeybee colonies shall be kept in hives with removable frames which shall be kept in sound and usable condition.
   B.   Hives shall be placed at least five feet (5') from any property line and six inches (6") above the ground, as measured from the ground to the lowest portion of the hive; provided, however, that this requirement may be waived in writing by the adjoining property owner.
   C.   Hives shall be operated and maintained as provided in the Utah bee inspection act.
   D.   Each hive shall be conspicuously marked with the owner's name, address, telephone number, and state registration number. (Ord. 71-09 § 2, 2009)
8.10.060: FLYWAYS:
A hive shall be placed on property so the general flight pattern of bees is in a direction that will deter bee contact with humans and domesticated animals. If any portion of a hive is located within fifteen feet (15') from an area which provides public access or from a property line on the lot where an apiary is located, as measured from the nearest point on the hive to the property line, a flyway barrier at least six feet (6') in height shall be established and maintained around the hive except as needed to allow access. Such flyway, if located along the property line or within five feet (5') of the property line, shall consist of a solid wall, fence, dense vegetation, or a combination thereof, which extends at least ten feet (10') beyond the hive in each direction so that bees are forced to fly to an elevation of at least six feet (6') above ground level over property lines in the vicinity of the apiary. (Ord. 71-09 § 2, 2009)