   A.   The department shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and govern the conduct of companies and drivers operating under this chapter.
   B.   With the approval of the mayor and upon notice to the city council the department director may waive or temporarily impose restrictions not addressed in this chapter or department rules and regulations if it is determined that circumstances in the city exist that create congestion, security concerns, emergency conditions, or other operational problems, and that a temporary suspension or modification of ordinances is in the best interests of the city to address such circumstances. If the city council does not act within sixty (60) days to approve or disapprove the action, then the action is deemed approved. Waivers issued prior to the effective date hereof shall be valid through the earlier of: 1) the expiration date of such waiver; or 2) June 30, 2015. (Ord. 66-14, 2014)
5.71.270: COMMENT FORM:
Any person may complain of any violation of this chapter or comment on any ground transportation business or vehicle, or any driver of a ground transportation vehicle operating within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, by filing a comment form with the department on forms that the department may require ground transportation businesses to print and provide in their vehicles and which may be found on the city's website and within department rules and regulations. (Ord. 66-14, 2014)
   A.   Every notice issued under this chapter shall be issued in the form of a written civil notice and shall contain a statement that the named party may appeal the imposition of the penalty and provide information regarding how to appeal.
   B.   Any driver, vehicle owner, or authorized ground transportation business that violates any provision of this chapter may be named in a civil notice issued by the city. A violation of any provision of this chapter by any driver or vehicle owner shall also constitute a violation of such provision by the ground transportation business under whose authority such driver or owner was operating at the time of the violation. (Ord. 66-14, 2014)