The revocable land use permit issued shall be on a form deemed suitable by property management. In addition to naming the permittee, the permit shall contain the following conditions:
   A.   The city will issue permits first to vendors seeking renewal of existing permits.
   B.   Each permit issued shall expire at twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight on December 31 of the year so issued.
   C.   The permit issued shall be personal only and not transferable in any manner.
   D.   The permit shall be valid only when used at the permit operating location designated on the permit.
   E.   The permit is valid for one cart only.
   F.   The city transportation engineer shall consider the need for parking to accommodate patrons of carts operating in locations outside the expanded central business district and may require written verification of a parking use agreement with an adjacent business that provides a reasonable number of parking spaces, as determined by the city transportation engineer, for the vendor's use without compromising the main business's compliance with minimum parking requirements.
   G.   The permit operating location may be changed, either temporarily or permanently, by written notice from property management to permittee, in the event of construction or remodeling of any nearby structure or of a force majeure which, in the opinion of the city transportation engineer, renders permittee's continued operation at the original permit operating location unsafe for any person. The term "force majeure", as used in this section, means acts of God, acts of public enemy, blockades, wars, insurrections or riots, epidemics, landslides, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods or washouts, civil disturbances, or explosions.
   H.   The permit is subject to the further restrictions of this chapter.
   I.   The permit as it applies to a given permit operating location may be suspended by the mayor for periods of not to exceed ten (10) days for special events, as defined by section 5.65.010 of this chapter. (Ord. 54-07 § 1, 2007)