A.   The business licensing administrator shall approve the issuance of a business license to the applicant, unless the business licensing administrator finds one or more of the following:
      1.   The applicant has failed to provide the information on the application required by this chapter;
      2.   The applicant has falsely answered a material question or request for information as authorized by this chapter;
      3.   The applicant has failed to meet any of the provisions of this chapter;
      4.   There are grounds for denial as set forth in section 5.02.250 of this title, or its successor section, or in any other city ordinance or state or federal law or regulation;
      5.   The applicant has failed to provide a copy of his or her revocable land use permit required under section 5.65.040 of this chapter, or its successor section. (Ord. 54-07 § 1, 2007)