A.   No liability against the city shall or may be created and no expenditure of public funds may be made which is not for a public purpose.
   B.   No contract may become valid or is binding against the city until:
      1.   The contract has been reduced to writing;
      2.   The terms of the contract are approved by the department director or other employee responsible for negotiating the contract;
      3.   Funds are certified as available under a lawful city budget;
      4.   The city has complied with any federal contract or grant assurance conditions that are a prerequisite to forming a contract;
      5.   The documents are approved as to form by the city attorney;
      6.   The contract has been executed by:
         a.   The chairperson of the city council or designee for contracts made within the scope of the city council's legislative authority, or
         b.   The mayor or the mayor's designee authorized to sign for contracts in a prior written executive order, except those city council contracts described in subsection B6a of this section; and
      7.   The signature has been attested by the city recorder.
   C.   Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, a city purchase order shall become valid and binding against the city when executed by an authorized city official on the city's form, and when not in conflict with any federal, state or local law, including any procurement requirements as set forth in chapter 3.24 of this title or its successor. (Ord. 63-97 § 2, 1997)