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Salt Lake City Overview
Salt Lake City, UT Code of Ordinances
Salt Lake City, UT Policies and Procedures Manual
59-3-1: Purpose
59-3-2: Scope
59-3-3: Criteria For Awarding Development Incentives
59-3-1: PURPOSE:
This chapter outlines reasons for development incentives and the criteria for awarding those incentives. (2019 Compilation)
59-3-2: SCOPE:
   A.   City May Provide: Salt Lake City may provide resources and incentives through development programs in an effort to revitalize City neighborhoods consistent with adopted master plans, programs and policies.
   B.   Administration: Development programs are administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development. The Capital Planning and Programming Division is responsible for administering, monitoring and tracking assistance programs.
   C.   Fees: The Department of Community and Economic Development can establish and assess fees for the costs of assistance programs. (2019 Compilation)
   A.   Eligibility Requirements: Projects are required to meet program eligibility requirements defined in departmental procedures or other City policies.
   B.   Legitimate Need: Applicants must demonstrate a legitimate need for public support, including an assessment of the availability of capital, interest rates, investment risk and other restrictions on private capital.
   C.   Judging Applications: In judging applications for development assistance, the Department of Community and Economic Development will assess the extent of the project's community impact, including the project's capacity to meet City economic development goals and objectives. (2019 Compilation)