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Salt Lake City Overview
Salt Lake City, UT Code of Ordinances
Salt Lake City, UT Policies and Procedures Manual
54-6-1: Purpose
54-6-2: Scope
54-6-3: Elements
54-6-4: Responsibilities
54-6-5: Procedure
54-6-6: Employees Restricted From Respirator Use
54-6-7: Form
54-6-1: PURPOSE:
This chapter outlines the steps necessary to evaluate the physical condition of employees who perform tasks which require the use of respiratory protective devices. (2019 Compilation)
54-6-2: SCOPE:
The pulmonary health and physical condition of employees performing tasks which require the use of respiratory protective devices will be evaluated prior to assignment and annually thereafter in accordance with the elements of Salt Lake City Corporation's Respiratory Fitness Evaluation Program set forth below. (2019 Compilation)
54-6-3: ELEMENTS:
   A.   Questionnaire; Function Test: Employees assigned to tasks requiring the use of respiratory protective devices will at a minimum, complete a standardized respiratory health history questionnaire and successfully pass a pulmonary function test prior to assignment and annually thereafter.
   B.   OSHA Standards: Where and/or when specific medical surveillance protocols/requirements are established by OSHA within a specific standard to which Salt Lake City Corporation (SLCC) is regulated, SLCC will comply with the medical surveillance provisions of that standard. (2019 Compilation)
   A.   Administration: This chapter will be administered by SLCC's medical provider (MP). Each employee who uses or oversees the use of any respiratory protective device will be responsible for assuring compliance with the provisions of this program.
   B.   Confidentiality: All information pertaining to the employee's health status is confidential. Only the employee's ability or inability to work while using respiratory protective devices will be conveyed from the MP to the employee's department representative. Conveyance of such information will be through the issuance of a form letter (section 54-6-7 of this chapter) and/or a wallet card specifying respiratory fitness for respirator use or prohibited from respirator use.
   C.   Interpretation: Interpreting the employees respiratory fitness to use respirators:
      The employee's ability or inability to work while using respiratory protective equipment will be based solely upon the successful completion of a pulmonary function test (PFT) initially and then annually thereafter. However, the pulmonary health and physical condition of the employee will be assessed utilizing the information provided by the employee on a respiratory health history questionnaire. Should the employee be deemed unable to perform the PFT and/or to have significant risk factors or a medical condition which may affect their respiratory health or general well being, this information will be conveyed to the employee and it will be recommended that they follow up with their private medical provider for possible evaluation/treatment. (2019 Compilation)
54-6-5: PROCEDURE:
   A.   Scheduling: Supervisors of work groups utilizing respiratory protective devices will coordinate the scheduling of initial and annual respirator use pulmonary evaluations with SLCC's MP.
   B.   Employee Complete Form: The employee will complete the "employee" portion of the Respiratory Use Pulmonary Health Evaluation Form upon arrival at the clinic.
   C.   Review: SLCC's MP will review the health history and conduct a PFT if appropriate.
   D.   Evaluate: SLCC's MP will evaluate the results of the PFT and determine the employee's ability or inability to work while using respiratory protective devices in accordance with NIOSH recommended pulmonary fitness standards as adopted for SLCC's Respiratory Fitness Evaluation Program and set forth below:
      1.   Forced vital capacity (FVC):
•Pass - FVC of 66% or greater of the predicted value;
•Fail - FVC is less than 66% of the predicted value.
      2.   Ratio of the forced expiratory volume in one second divided by the forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC):
•Pass - FEV1/FVC is 0.61 or greater;
•Fail - FEV1/FVC is less than 0.61.
      3.   Other NIOSH recommended consideration factors include history of spontaneous pneumothorax; claustrophobia/anxiety reaction; use of contact lens; moderate or severe pulmonary disease; angina pectoris; significant arrhythmias; recent myocardial infarction; symptomatic or uncontrolled hypertension; etc.
   E.   Results; Issuance, Denial: Based upon the results of the pulmonary health evaluation, the City's medical provider will either:
      1.   Sign and date the respirator use pulmonary health evaluation form stating that the employee has met the requirements specified above and then issue a respiratory fitness card and evaluation form to the employee; or
      2.   Sign and date the respirator use pulmonary health evaluation form, and issue a letter to the designated department representative stating that the employee did not meet the requirements specified above, along with a letter to the employee addressing any possible medical conditions. This letter will serve as a notice to the employee that he/she has or may have a medical condition which may affect his/her functional ability to safely utilize respiratory protective devices.
   F.   Fit Respirator: It will be the department's designated respirator fit tester's responsibility, after observing employee's respiratory fitness card, to fit test the employee for the appropriate respirator(s), and determine their final ability or inability to use the respirator(s) on the job. (2019 Compilation)