51-25-3: PRIVACY:
Employees are not entitled to any expectation of privacy associated with the use of any communications technology used to conduct City business. This includes:
   A.   Computers:
      1.   Computers, whether owned by the City, the employee, or some third party used to conduct City business and any and all City business related information on the computer may be subject to Human Resources personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis and information requests under GRAMA. This includes desktop computers, notebook computers, e-mail appliances, netbook computers, and any other computing device used to conduct City business.
      2.   Computers or computing devices used to conduct City business and owned by employees may not be searched, analyzed or examined for any purpose other than Human Resources personnel matters, litigation disclosure or information requests under GRAMA. Written authorization from the Attorney's Office must be obtained prior to conducting any research or analysis of employee owned computers or computing devices.
   B.   Third Party Servers: Servers and other networks and devices owned by a third party. The use of a third party's e-mail servers, web servers or any other technology in the conduct of City business may make those third party systems subject to the same scrutiny as if it were a City owned system even though legal action may be required to acquire the information. This includes, but is not limited to, Human Resources personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis and information requests under GRAMA.
   C.   Cell Phones: Whether owned by the City, the employee or some third party, including smartphones such as Androids, iPhones, Windows mobile devices, or any other mobile communication device used to conduct City business and any and all information contained thereon may be subject to Human Resources personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis and information requests under GRAMA.
   D.   Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs): Personal digital devices, whether owned by the City, the employee or a third party such as tablets, iPads, etc., and any and all information on the device, may be subject to Human Resources personnel matters, litigation disclosure, forensic analysis and information requests under GRAMA.
   E.   Personal Equipment Used For City Business: Personal equipment, regardless of the type of equipment or the extent to which it was used to conduct City business is subject to the same policies and procedures as City owned equipment. (2019 Compilation)