A.    An employee shall be released from duty with full pay when, in obedience to a subpoena or direction by proper authority, the employee is required to either serve on a jury or appear as a witness for the United States, the state of Utah, or other political subdivision.
   B.    Employees are entitled to retain statutory fees paid for service in a federal, state, or city/county justice court.
   C.    On any day that an employee is required to report for service and is thereafter excused from such service during his or her regular working hours from the city, he or she shall forthwith return to and carry on his or her regular city employment. Employees who fail to return to work after being excused from service for the day shall be subject to discipline.
   D.   Court appearances. A police sergeant is eligible to receive compensation as a witness subpoenaed by the city, the state of Utah, or the United States for a court or administrative proceeding appearance as follows:
      1.   Appearances in court or administrative proceeding made while on-duty will be compensated as normal hours worked.
      2.   In the event an appearance extends beyond the end of an employee's regularly scheduled shift, time will be counted as normal work time for the purpose of computing an employee's overtime compensation.
      3.   Appearances made while off-duty will be compensated as follows:
         a.   The city will pay employees for two (2) hours of preparation time plus actual time spent in court or in an administrative hearing at one and one-half times their regular hourly rate. Lunch periods granted are not considered compensable time. Compensation for additional preparation time for any subsequent appearance during the same day is allowed only when there are at least two hours between the employee’s release time from a prior court or administrative proceeding and the start of the other.
         b.   If time spent in court or administrative proceeding extends into the beginning of the employee's regularly scheduled work shift, time spent in court or in administrative proceeding will be deemed ended at the time such shift is scheduled to begin.
      4.   An employee is required to provide a copy of the subpoena, including the beginning time and time released from the court or administrative hearing with initials of the prosecuting or another court representative within seven working days following the appearance.
      5.   Any employee failing to appear in compliance with the terms of a formal notice or subpoena may be subject to disciplinary action.