Note: The city has established rules governing the administration of an injury leave program for sworn police officers, airport police and firefighters, under the following qualifications and restrictions:
   A.   The disability must have resulted from an injury arising out of the discharge of official duties and/or while exercising some form of necessary job related activity as determined by the city;
   B.   The employee must be unable to return to work due to the injury as verified by a medical provider acceptable to the city;
   C.   The leave benefit shall not exceed the value of the employee's net salary during the period of absence due to the injury, less all amounts paid or credited to the employee as workers’ compensation, Social Security, long-term disability or retirement benefits, or any form of governmental relief whatsoever;
   D.   The value of benefits provided to employees under this injury leave program shall not exceed the total of $5,000 per employee per injury, unless approved in writing by the employee’s department head after receiving an acceptable treatment plan and consulting with the city’s risk manager;
   E.   The city's risk manager is principally responsible for the review of injury leave claims, exceptthat appeals from the decision of the city’s risk manager may be reviewed by the human resources director, who may make recommendations to the mayor for final decisions;
   F.   If an employee is eligible for workers’ compensation as provided by law, and is not receiving injury leave pursuant to this provision, an employee may elect to use either accumulated sick leave or hours from the RL account, if applicable, and authorized vacation time to supplement workers’ compensation. The total value of leave hours or hours from an RL account combined with a workers’ compensation benefit may not exceed an employee's regular net salary.