A.   Time off with pay will be granted to an employee who suffers the loss of a current spouse, domestic partner, or adult designee; child, mother, father, brother, sister; current father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law; grandparent; current step-grandfather, step-grandmother; grandchild, or current step grandchild, stepchild, stepmother, stepfather, stepbrother or stepsister, grandfather-in-law, grandmother-in-law; or, domestic partner’s or adult designee’s relative as if the domestic partner or adult designee were the employee’s spouse. In the event of death in any of these instances, the city will provide an employee with up to five working days of paid leave for bereavement, including attendance at a funeral, memorial service, or related event(s). The employee will be permitted one additional day of bereavement leave if the employee attends a funeral, memorial service or equivalent event that is held more than 150 miles distance from Salt Lake City and the day following the memorial service or equivalent event is a regular working shift.
   B.   In the event of death of a first-line extended relative of an employee, or of an employee’s spouse, domestic partner, or adult designee’s relative, not covered in paragraph a above (such as an uncle, aunt or cousin), the city will pay an employee for time off for one work shift to attend memorial services. The employee will be permitted one additional day of bereavement leave if the employee attends a funeral, memorial service or equivalent event that is held more than 150 miles distance from Salt Lake City and the day following the memorial service or equivalent event is a regular working shift.
   C.   In the event of death of friends, an employee may be allowed to use vacation or personal leave for time off to attend the funeral or memorial service, as approved by an immediate supervisor.
   D.   In the event of death of any covered family member while an employee is on vacation leave, an employee’s absence may be extended and authorized as bereavement leave.