   (A)   Application for new water and/or sewer service shall be made at the office of the Village of St. Paris, 135 West Main Street, by the property owner, or his or her duly authorized agent, on forms furnished by the Department. At this time, the Department will classify the service as residential, commercial, or industrial.
   (B)   Changes to existing services must be made in person at the office. A driver’s license or other photo I.D. shall be required.
(Ord. 863, passed 10-7-2019)
§ 50.36 DEPOSITS.
   (A)   At the time of application for water and/or sewer service, a deposit shall be required of applicants who have not previously received service from the village, or who have an unsatisfactory record of payment of water and/or sewer bills. A copy of a previous village water bill will be required for a deposit to be waived. The amount of the deposit is provided in the current rate schedule.
   (B)   The deposit shall be applied to the customer’s bill at the conclusion of six months from the initial commencement of service; provided that service is still current. If that service is no longer current, the person making the deposit may request, in writing, a refund if his, her, or their account is paid in full. If a forwarding address is not made available to mail the refund, then the deposit will become the property of the village after a one-year period.
(Ord. 863, passed 10-7-2019)
   The Water and Sewer Department, or their contractor, shall install all meters two inches in size and smaller. Installation of meters larger than two inches shall be subject to the prior approval of the Water and Sewer Department Superintendent. Meters shall be ordered by the village and invoiced by the supplier to the owner, or his or her contractor. Meters will be picked up by the Water and Sewer Department and shall be installed by the contractor. Billing will start on the day the meter is released to the owner, or his or her contractor. The types of meters required to be installed and meter installation details may be obtained at the Water and Sewer Department.
(Ord. 863, passed 10-7-2019)
   In compliance with the Village Council, all applicants for water and/or sewer service outside the village will be required to begin annexation procedures. All applicants will be required to sign an agreement to file an annexation petition with the appropriate jurisdiction at this time, or once the property becomes abutting or contiguous to the village corporation limits. If the petition is not filed within 60 days, or the annexation is not completed within one year of the property becoming abutting or contiguous, the village, through its Council and administration, may, at its option, terminate water service to said property.
(Ord. 863, passed 10-7-2019)
   (A)   Water service to two or more separate structures is prohibited, and any arrangements of this manner that exist shall be corrected within 90 days of notification to do so by the office.
   (B)   Each new structure connected to the village water system shall have a separate meter. Exceptions to this regulation must be approved, in writing, by the Water and Sewer Department Superintendent. Failure to comply with this regulation within 90 days of notification will result in water service being terminated.
(Ord. 863, passed 10-7-2019)
   (A)   All accounts are listed in the name of the property owner.
   (B)   The property owner is responsible, pursuant to R.C. §§ 743.01 through 743.04, for all bills left unpaid.
   (C)   When water and/or sewer charges become delinquent, a lien is filed against the property and the lien shall remain until such time as the charges are paid. Such charges are in the nature of an obligation of the land itself, and a subsequent purchaser of the land takes the property subject to the obligation for any unpaid charges. Until such charges are paid, continued water and/or sewer service may be refused.
(Ord. 863, passed 10-7-2019)