Nuisances, Generally
91.01 Chief of Police
91.02 Notice to abate nuisances
91.03 Assistance
91.04 Depositing nauseous substances
91.05 Slaughtering animals, rendering lard
91.06 Obstructing streets
91.07 Offensive premises; owner liable
91.08 Undefined nuisances; abatement
Nuisance Property
91.20 Applicability
91.21 Definitions
91.22 Remedy
91.23 Abatement of nuisance
91.24 Procedure
91.25 Commencement of action; burden of proof
91.26 Emergency closing procedures
Weeds and Rubbish
91.40 Burning
91.41 Dumping rubbish
91.42 Nuisance declared
91.43 Prohibition of excessive grass and weed growth
91.44 Exceptions
91.45 Prohibition of dumping or causing grass or weed clipping upon public property
91.46 Abatement procedures for excessive grass and weed growth
91.47 Notice of violation
91.48 Enforcement
91.99 Penalty