§ 91.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Any person in violation of § 91.40 shall be subject to its remedies as set forth in this chapter. (Prior Code, § 7-3-5)
   (C)   Any person who is found guilty of violating § 91.41(B) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in an amount as set forth in § 35.01.
(Prior Code, § 7-3-6)
   (D)   (1)   In addition to all other remedies to the village at law or equity, any person or entity who violates or fails to comply with §§ 91.40 through 91.48 shall be fined in an amount as set forth in § 35.01 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
      (2)   In addition to the penalties provided in division (D)(1) above, if any person notified fails or refuses to comply with the notice, the village may cause weeds or grass to be removed or cut down in any manner it designates and shall charge the costs of such removal to the person owning, leasing, occupying, or controlling the real estate. The cost for such cutting or removal shall be calculated on the basis of an amount as set forth in § 35.01 per 1,000 square feet of real estate or fraction thereof or actual costs of services, whichever is greater, for the first offense, and in an amount as set forth in § 35.01 per 1,000 square feet of real estate or actual costs of services whichever is greater, for all subsequent offenses. Square footage of the property shall be calculated based on total square footage of the lot based on dimensions as contained in property assessment or as measured and documented by the village. The cost, charges, and expenses incurred or imposed by the village, in the removal or cutting following the refusal or failure of the responsible party to remove or cut down such grass or weeds and including reasonable attorney fees, shall constitute a lien upon the real estate affected, and a lien shall be enforced as provided by statute.
(Prior Code, § 7-3-13)
   (E)   Any person violating any of the public nuisances for which there is not another penalty contained within §§ 91.40 through 91.48 shall be fined for each offense, and every day upon which such offense occurs or upon which such offense continues shall be deemed a separate offense a fine in an amount as set forth in § 35.01 per day. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter which deems such violation to be a public nuisance, shall also be subject to the village abating said nuisance by either providing the proper receptacles or otherwise taking action for reasonable abatement of said nuisance and charging said property owner, occupant, or lessee of said premises for the cost of said abatement in addition to the aforesaid fine.
(Prior Code, § 7-3-15)
(Ord. passed 9-12-1994; Ord. passed 10-13-2003; Ord. passed 11-14-2011)