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Romeoville Overview
Romeoville, IL Code of Ordinances
   Water will be supplied to air conditioning or refrigeration systems subject to the following provisions.
   (A)   The terms "AIR CONDITIONING  SYSTEM" and "REFRIGERATION SYSTEM" for the purposes hereof, shall mean those systems using water from the village mains for the dissipation of the heat of compression and for condensation of refrigerant, as differentiated from those systems using air as a cooling medium for those purposes.
   (B)   A "WATER CONSERVING DEVICE" shall mean a water cooling tower, spray pond, evaporative condenser, or other equipment, by which water is cooled after use through contact with the air and by evaporation and is recirculated and re-used, thereby limiting the use of fresh water from the mains to make up water lost by evaporation and windage.
   (C)   All water-cooled air conditioning or refrigeration systems either in single or multiple units, of whatever horsepower size, using the village water supply, shall be equipped with and have in operation a water conserving device. The village water to be supplied to each system shall not exceed .2 gallons per minute per compressor horsepower of the system. However, if on rare occasions of short duration the condensing pressure in the system becomes sufficiently high as to endanger life or property, additional water may be used for the duration of the danger, on receipt of permission to do so by the Director of Public Works. During the off-peak season of demand on the village water system, namely November 1 to May 1, and subject to the ability of the village to furnish the water, a greater volume of water than that specified above may be used in air conditioning or refrigeration systems.
   (D)   Using village water as a prime cooling medium for space, products, or things, or in a mechanical system as described above but passing the water to the sewer without recirculation is prohibited.
   (E)   The adoption of ordinances requiring the installation of closed system air conditioning in all new construction and in all remodeling.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § l-12) (Ord. 192, passed ll-5-58; Am. Ord. 22- 1762, passed 3-16-22) Penalty, see 50.99(A)
   All details of plumbing installation as to materials, workmanship, methods, super-vision, inspection, and other regulations pertaining to any and all appurtenances connected to the water system of the village, shall be in compliance with this subchapter and with any other ordinances now or here-after in effect relating to plumbers or plumbing within this village.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-13) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58) Penalty, see § 50.99(A)
   (A)   Inasmuch as plumbing is permitted to be done by only a licensed and bonded plumber, the application to begin proposed plumbing work shall be made to the Building Inspector by the plumber as agent of the property owner. The applicant shall supply such information as required by the Building Inspector, and from which the permit fee and deposit, if any, can be computed as provided in the provisions of the plumbing code governing the plumbing fees and deposits.
   (B)   On payment of the computed fee and deposit, if any, the Building Inspector will issue a permit to be presented to the Director of Public Works as notice of the plumber's authority to begin work. No work whatsoever shall begin until the issuance and presentation of the authorizing permit.
   (C)   On completion of the work and before covering as to hinder inspection, the Plumbing Inspector shall be notified. He shall inspect the installation as to its compliance with the plumbing code, this subchapter, and the detail of the permit by which the fee and deposit, if any, were computed.
   (D)   If the work is found in compliance, the Department of Public Works shall make the final tap to the village main and begin the supply of water. If it is found not in compliance, the tap to main shall not be made or, if made for testing, shall be disconnected until compliance is reached.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-14) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58)
   (A)   When any person, firm, or corporation outside the village limits desires to receive a water supply from the water mains, they shall make application to the Director of Public Works in substantially the following form:
   The undersigned, hereinafter called the applicant, hereby applies to the Village of Romeoville, Illinois, for water service to the following described place or places outside the village limits, and for permission to make connection to the water system of the village for that purpose. In suppport of such application the applicant represents:
      (1)   The street address or location of the property to be served is            which is legally described as           .
      (2)   Size of service pipe connection is                           .
      (3)   Estimated volume of water to be used per annum is          gallons.
      (4)   Character of property, residential, commercial, industrial (strike out inapplicable.)
      (5)   Number and character of independent building to be served:
      (6)   Other information or remarks                                  .
The applicant further states that he has read and is familiar with the provisions of the ordinance entitled and known as the "Romeoville Water Ordinance," and particularly those provisions thereof relating to the furnishing of water to users outside the village limits, and agrees that if this application is approved and the water connection made, he will abide by and be governed by the provisions of the ordinance and all amendments which may hereafter be made thereto, and by all other laws and regulations thereto appertaining now or hereafter in force.
This application, if and when approved by the Village Board, shall, together with the applicable provisions of the appropriate ordinances and laws, constitute the Agreement between the applicant and the village.
The village may, in its discretion require that this application, following its approval 2be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Will County, Illinois.
Approval recommended                  19  
Approved by Village Board at meeting held                           19  
Village Clerk
   (B)   The application shall be reviewed by the Director of Public Works, who shall make recommendations thereon to the Village Board. No connection for water service outside the village shall be made unless and until the applications are approved by the Village Board.
   (C)   Making water connections and furnishing water to every user outside the village shall be subject to the following:
      (1)   The water connection and furnishing of water shall conform in its entirety with the provisions of this chapter and the plumbing code of the village as either or both may now exist or hereafter be amended.
      (2)   The furnishing of water by the village, and the use by the consumer shall at all times be subject to all rules and regulations affecting water users within the village, unless otherwise specified, and shall be subject to any special regulations governing outside the village water users.
      (3)   In case any territory is annexed to the village in which any water pipes are laid in accordance with these provisions, all pipes which are placed in or under any highway, street, or alley shall, on annexation, become the property of the village.
      (4)   In the event of the annexation to the village of territory which shall include the premises of the owners, the owners agree that they will not hinder by legal or other means any local improvements for which they may in the future be assessed or which may be levied against the premises, and further agree that they will not sign any petition opposing the annexation to the village of the territory in which the premises are located.
      (5)   The location of the water meter shall be at the discretion of the village.
      (6)   It shall be the responsibility of the owners of the property outside the village to which water is furnished to keep in good repair all water pipe and fittings between the village main and the meter, and to promptly report leaks or damage to the village.
      (7)   The connection fee for buildings outside the corporate limits shall be 200% of the corresponding fee for buildings within the corporate limits of the village, as set forth in § 50.18. The connection fee and all other costs of extending village water distribution lines to the premises of the applicant shall be paid by the applicant before the connection is made.
      (8)   No additional connection for the furnishing of a water supply to any other building or place than that specified in the application shall be made or permitted unless and until a new application is made and approved in the manner set out above and the connection fee paid.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-15) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58; Am. Ord. 267, passed 11-15-67; Am. Ord. 316, passed 7-21-71)
   (A)   A special water installation within the village to be served by water from the village mains, is defined as that installation connecting to and extending from a water main to a location within the village where the extension would not ordinarily be made for reason of the village mains are not laid in the street or alley bounding the premises and the connections are being made at the special request of the property owner and at his entire expense.
   (B)   Application to the village for, and the provisions governing special water installations shall be as for water users outside the village limits as in § 50.24 in so far as the provisions apply and to such other provisions as the village may prescribe.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-16) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58)
   (A)   Water used in or about any private premises or public place, including use for fire protection, from a source such as wells, cisterns, rivers, or any other source except the village water supply system, shall be kept entirely separate from and with no direct or indirect connections to the village water supply system.
   (B)   No water from the village supply mains which has been used once for any purpose, shall be piped or conveyed in any manner into the village water supply system so as to become mixed with or form a part thereof, nor shall any used water from the village mains, or water from any private source, be used in processing of foods or other things for human or animal consumption.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-17) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58) Penalty, see § 50.99(A)
   (A)   Deposits shall be required of all residential customers to whom utility service is provided. The deposit for residential utility service shall be $100. This deposit will be required at the time service is requested or that the account has service terminated due to non- payment of bill.
   (B)   Deposits shall be required of all businesses applying for utility service. Deposits shall be based upon one month's average usage for the type of business to be performed. The deposit shall not be less than $100.
   (C)   At the discretion of the Finance Director, deposits may be required for those customers whose account has been previously terminated for non-payment. This deposit will be computed based on the customer's average monthly billing and will not be more than three times the average monthly billing.
   (D)   At the discretion of the Finance Director, the utility deposit for property owners may be waived upon request if there has been no disconnection of service for non-payment for a period of two years.
   (E)   At the discretion of the Finance Director, a utility deposit on file may be applied to the account upon request of the property owner if there has been no disconnection of service for non-payment for a period of one year.
   (F)   In addition to such other information as may be required by applicable Village Ordinances in connection with the establishment of water and sanitary sewer utility service to a commercial or industrial user thereof, all such commercial or industrial water and sanitary sewer customers of the village shall, contemporaneously with applying to the Finance Department to establish such service, present the Finance Department with proof of compliance with the provisions of § 52.13(1) requiring the completion of and submission to the Village Department of Public Works of a sanitary sewer discharge questionnaire as a condition to the establishment of an account for sanitary sewer utility service or a con- nection to the village sanitary sewer system.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-18) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58; Am. Ord. 529, passed 4-20-77; Am. Ord. 605, passed 2-15-78; Am. Ord. 723, passed 4-16-80; Am. Ord. 953-86, passed 6-18-86; Am. Ord. 2137-91, passed 10-16-91; Am. Ord. 2158-92, passed 2-19-92; Am. Ord. 2199-92, passed 12-16-92; Am. Ord. 2770-00, passed 6-8-00; Am. Ord. 92-01, passed 9-5-01)
   (A)   A special water use permit may be requested by contractors, or others, for the purpose of obtaining a supply of water for proper, authorized use. The permit shall be valid for a period of not more than 30 days. The applicant must complete the special water use permit application, and the Public Works shall approve or deny such application within two working days. In the event that an applicant requires an extension of the permit expiration date, such request must be made in writing not less than five working days prior to the permit expiration date, and shall be authorized in 30-day increments, and a new hydrant meter deposit check shall be received prior to the approval of an extension.
      (1)   Fee for water usage                     $100
      (2)   Deposit for hydrant meter                  $500
      (3)   Fee for extended water use for each 30-day extension      $50
   (B)   If the water hydrant is found to be damaged by the Public Works Department following completion of use, the applicant shall pay all costs of necessary repairs, or replacement of the hydrant.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § l-19) (Ord. 192, passed ll-5-58; Am. Ord. 2137-91, passed 10-16-91; Am. Ord. 22-1762, passed 3-16-22)
   The fees and deposits required of plumbers proposing to do plumbing work in connection with the water system of the village shall be as provided by ordinance now or hereafter in effect.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-20) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58)
   (A)   The supply of water through each separate service pipe must be recorded by one meter, for which only one account will be rendered by the Finance Director.
   (B)   Meters shall be read on a minimum bimonthly basis provided that any meter may be read monthly instead of bimonthly on direction from the Finance Director.
   (C)   Any meter that has not been read by Village Utility Service Workers for a period of six months will be subject to termination of service until such reading occurs. There will be a charge of $50 for reconnection of service.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-21) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58; Am. Ord. 2137-91, passed 10-16-91; Am. Ord. 2495-97, passed 9-17-97)