(A)   Inasmuch as plumbing is permitted to be done by only a licensed and bonded plumber, the application to begin proposed plumbing work shall be made to the Building Inspector by the plumber as agent of the property owner. The applicant shall supply such information as required by the Building Inspector, and from which the permit fee and deposit, if any, can be computed as provided in the provisions of the plumbing code governing the plumbing fees and deposits.
   (B)   On payment of the computed fee and deposit, if any, the Building Inspector will issue a permit to be presented to the Director of Public Works as notice of the plumber's authority to begin work. No work whatsoever shall begin until the issuance and presentation of the authorizing permit.
   (C)   On completion of the work and before covering as to hinder inspection, the Plumbing Inspector shall be notified. He shall inspect the installation as to its compliance with the plumbing code, this subchapter, and the detail of the permit by which the fee and deposit, if any, were computed.
   (D)   If the work is found in compliance, the Department of Public Works shall make the final tap to the village main and begin the supply of water. If it is found not in compliance, the tap to main shall not be made or, if made for testing, shall be disconnected until compliance is reached.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-14) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58)