(A)   In case of breakage, stoppage, or any other irregularity in the meter, the owner or consumer is to notify the Village Manager immediately and all necessary repairs will be made by the village, except as provided in § 50.20.
   (B)   On the written request of the owner or consumer, the proper official will test the meter serving the premises. A deposit of $5 will be required before the meter is disconnected, which will be returned if the meter is found to be registering incorrectly. A meter is incorrect if it is registering greater than 2% of accurate on a flow equal to 1/8 of the diameter of the service, such condition being to the disadvantage of the consumer. Otherwise, the deposit will be retained by the village to cover the costs of the test. The owner or consumer may be present at the time of the test, to whom the results will be reported in any case. If the testing of a meter shows that its was registering incorrectly, the charge to the consumer for water used shall be on the basis of the con- sumption for the corresponding period of the previous year. If the meter had not been in service for a year, or in the corresponding period, or if for any other reason the charge for the corresponding period cannot be justly applied, the charge shall be equitably adjusted by the Village Manager. The minimum metered rate as hereinafter specified will be charged as long as the meter remains out of service.
   (C)   On the written request of the owner or his authorized agent to the Village Manager asking that the water be shut off and the meter removed, the village will proceed to comply with the request, and the minimum rate as hereinafter specified will cease on the date when the meter is removed. No charge will be made when a meter is again installed. After the water supply has been shut off for any reason except for repairs, the service will not be reestablished unless a written order is given to the Village Manager by the owner or authorized agent, nor until all arrears are paid.
('71 Code, Ch. 13 § 1-22) (Ord. 192, passed 11-5-58)