Every driver of a vehicle shall stop, unless a yield is permitted by this chapter, before entering an intersection with the following designated through streets.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.345)
1. State Street (U.S. No. 67) through the City.
2. Valley Drive from State Street to the north corporate limits.
Every driver of a vehicle shall stop in accordance with the following:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.345)
1. Fieldcrest Road. Vehicles traveling on Fieldcrest Road shall stop at Manor Drive.
2. Fieldcrest Road. Vehicles traveling on Fieldcrest Road shall stop at Circle Drive.
3. Circle Drive. Vehicles traveling on Circle Drive shall stop at Manor Drive.
4. Manor Drive north of Circle Drive. Vehicles traveling south on Manor Drive shall stop at Windsor Drive.
5. Windsor Drive. Vehicles traveling on Windsor Drive shall stop at Manor Drive.
6. Sycamore Lane. Vehicles traveling on Sycamore Lane shall stop at South Kensington Street.
7. South Kensington Street. Vehicles traveling on South Kensington Street shall stop at the railroad track.
8. Mason Drive. Vehicles traveling northeast on Mason Drive shall stop at its intersection with Madison Drive.
9. Madison Drive. Vehicles traveling west on Madison Drive shall stop at its northwesterly intersection with Mason Drive.
10. Smith Street. Vehicles traveling on Smith Street shall stop at its intersections with Madison Drive and Ann Avenue.
11. Ann Avenue. Vehicles traveling northwest on Ann Avenue shall stop at Mason Drive.
12. Elizabeth Way. Vehicles traveling on Elizabeth Way shall stop at its intersections with Ann Avenue and Linda Lane.
(Section 65.02 – Ord. 07-2023 – Jun. 23 Supp.)
Every driver of a vehicle shall yield in accordance with the following:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.345)
1. Elmhurst Lane. Vehicles traveling on Elmhurst Lane shall yield at Windsor Drive.
2. Wisteria Lane. Vehicles traveling on Wisteria Lane shall yield at South Kensington Street.
(Section 65.03 – Ord. 07-2023 – Jun. 23 Supp.)
At the following school crossing zones every driver of a vehicle approaching said zone shall bring the vehicle to a full stop at a point ten (10) feet from the approach side of the crosswalk marked by an authorized school stop sign and thereafter proceed in a careful and prudent manner until the vehicle shall have passed through such school crossing zone.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.249)
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