WHEREAS, Iowa-American Water Company (“Iowa-American”) provides water service to the City of Riverdale customers and operates the water system in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Iowa statutes and regulations regarding a drinking water system (“System”) as provided for in the Riverdale City Ordinance Chapter 90;
WHEREAS, a part of the System is the service line which connects the water main to the residence or commercial customer for delivery of water;
WHEREAS, Iowa-American and the City have determined that it is in the best interests of the residents of Riverdale and Iowa-American that installation, maintenance and ownership obligations regarding the service line be clarified in order to ensure continued service of high-quality water to the residents of Riverdale;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Riverdale, Iowa, as follows.
1. “Distribution main” means water pipe owned, operated, or maintained by Iowa-American which is used for the purposes of distribution of water to a customer’s service connection.
2. “Service line” shall mean the pipeline leading from the distribution main to the plumbing system of the individual premises. Each service line consists of two parts: the service connection and the customer service line.
3. “Service connection” shall mean the portion of the service line from the distribution main in the street to the curb or property line.
4. “Customer service line” shall mean the portion of the service line from the curb, property line, valve or meter to the structure or premises supplied and installed at the cost and expense of the customer.