(A) The Commission shall cause to be placed and maintained official traffic-control devices when and as required under the traffic ordinances of this city to make effective the provisions of said ordinances, and may place and maintain such additional official traffic-control devices as the Commission may deem necessary to regulate, warn or guide traffic under the traffic ordinances of this city or the Kentucky Revised Statutes.
(B) All traffic-control signs, signals and devices shall conform to the manual and specifications approved by the resolution adopted by the legislative body of this city. All signs and signals required hereunder for a particular purpose shall so far as practicable be uniform as to type and location throughout the city. All traffic-control devices so erected and not inconsistent with the provisions of state law or this section shall be official traffic-control devices.
(C) The driver of any vehicle shall obey the instructions of any official traffic-control device applicable thereto placed in accordance with the provisions of this section, unless otherwise directed by a traffic or police officer, subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle.
(D) No provision of this section for which official traffic-control devices are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and place of the alleged violation an official device is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. Whenever a particular section does not state that official traffic-control devices are required, such section shall be effective even though no devices are erected or in place.
(E) (1) Whenever official traffic-control devices are placed in position approximately conforming to the requirements of this section, such devices shall be presumed to have been so placed by the official act or direction of lawful authority, unless the contrary shall be established by competent evidence.
(2) Any official traffic-control device placed pursuant to the provisions of this section and purporting to conform to the lawful requirements pertaining to such devices shall be presumed to comply with the requirements of this section, unless the contrary shall be established by competent evidence.
('79 Code, § 23-01) (Ord. 78-25, passed 9-5-78)
The following streets within the city are hereby declared boulevards:
(A) Main Street from and including the intersection of Sunset Avenue to and including the junction with Big Hill Avenue and East Main Street, and thence to the city limits on Big Hill Avenue.
(B) Lancaster Avenue from the intersection of Main Street to the city limits.
(C) Second Street from the intersection of Main Street to the entrance of Eastern Kentucky State College campus.
(D) South of Water Street from the intersection of Collins Street to the intersection of Lancaster Avenue.
(E) Irvine Street from the intersection of Estill Avenue to the intersection of Church Street.
('79 Code, § 23-1)
It shall be required of any person driving stock on the streets of the city to have an attendant at each side of the drove to prevent stock from trespassing on sidewalks, yards or grass plots.
('79 Code, § 23-2) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) Whenever any ordinance of this city designates any one-way street or alley, the Commission shall cause signs to be placed and maintained giving notice thereof, and no such regulation shall be effective unless such signs are in place. Signs indicating the direction of lawful traffic movement shall be placed at every intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited.
(B) The Commission is hereby authorized to determine and designate streets, parts of streets or specific lanes thereon upon which vehicular traffic shall proceed in one direction during one period and the opposite direction during another period of the day and shall place and maintain appropriate markings, signs, barriers or other devices to give notice thereof. The city may erect signs temporarily designating lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction, regardless of the center line of the roadway.
('79 Code, § 23-2.1) (Ord. 78-25, passed 9-5-78)
All eastbound vehicular traffic, in Wellington Place addition to said city, which enters Wellington Drive from Lancaster Avenue or otherwise, shall travel over and along South Lawn Drive to South Third Street, and that all westbound vehicular traffic, in said Wellington Place addition, from South Third Street to or in the direction of Lancaster Avenue, shall travel over and along North Lawn Drive.
('79 Code, § 23-5) (Ord. A-62, passed 9-21-53) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) The Commission or its designee is hereby authorized with the consent and assistance of the State Department of Highways, if required or if available, to designate by proper signs or markings, by paint or some other method, traffic lanes over and along Main Street and certain intersecting side streets as may be deemed proper by the Commission or its designee.
(B) Provided, where feasible, separate lanes:
(1) For traffic turning right;
(2) Through traffic; and
(3) Traffic turning left; at intersections, and to procure and install, or cause to be procured and installed, by and with the consent and assistance of the State Department of Highways, if available, all necessary single or multiple traffic control lights or signals at all critical street intersections, same to be installed, arranged and timed in such manner as to expedite the orderly flow of traffic through the city, and that said acts of the Commission or its designee in the premises shall be deemed the official acts of the Commission, and any person or persons operating any motor vehicle in any manner other than in accordance with and in obedience to the traffic lane markings or traffic control signals installed on said streets under the supervision of the Commission or its designee, or said State Department of Highways shall suffer the penalties provided in this code.
('79 Code, § 23-8) (Ord. A-125, passed 3-28-55) Penalty, see § 70.99