   The license of any public ballroom may be forfeited or revoked by the Mayor for disorderly or immoral conduct therein, or for the violation of any provision of this chapter or of any other chapter, law or regulation in any way affecting public ballrooms. The Mayor, or any police officer of the City, may cause any public ballroom to be vacated during the progress of a dance for any of the reasons for which a license may be forfeited or revoked. If any license shall be forfeited or revoked, at least six months shall elapse before another license shall be issued authorizing the use of the same premises as a public ballroom. In no case shall the Mayor be required to issue a license for a public ballroom which is owned, controlled or conducted by the same person who owned, controlled or conducted such ballroom at the time of the occurrence of the misconduct for which a former license was forfeited or revoked; but the issuing of any new license shall be discretionary with the Mayor.
(Ord. Unno. Passed 3-30-25.)