Community Antenna Television Systems
791.01   Definitions.
791.02   Transmission and distribution of signals.
791.03   Conditions of system construction, maintenance and operation.
791.04   Prohibitions.
791.05   Indemnification, insurance and bonds.
791.06   Scope of operations.
791.07   Rates for service to subscribers.
791.08   Special requirements.
791.09   Special provisions.
791.10   Permits to operate community antenna systems in City.
791.11   Condition of service.
791.12   Permit fees; payment.
791.13   Basis of service.
791.14   Delays.
791.15   Scope of chapter.
791.16   Statement of intent.
791.99   Penalty.
   Unauthorized connection - see Ohio R. C. 4933.42
   Franchises - see PRELIM. Table A