CHAPTER 795 Adult Entertainment and/or Sexually Oriented Businesses or Clubs
795.01   Purpose and intent.
795.02   Definitions.
795.03   Establishment and classification of businesses or clubs regulated.
795.04   Measurement of distance.
795.05   Location of adult entertainment and/or sexually oriented businesses or clubs.
795.06   Regulations governing existing adult entertainment and/or sexually oriented businesses or clubs.
795.07   Injunction.
795.08   Adult entertainment and/or sexually oriented business or club permit: purpose and intent.
795.09   Permit required.
795.10   Investigation and application.
795.11   Issuance of permit.
795.12   Annual permit fee.
795.13   Inspection.
795.14   Expiration of permit.
795.15   Suspension of permit.
795.16   Revocation of permit.
795.17   Judicial review of permit denial, suspension or revocation.
795.18   Transfer of permit.
795.19   Adult entertainment and/or sexually oriented business or club employee license.
795.20   Regulations pertaining to exhibition of sexually explicit films or videos in video booths.
795.21   Prohibitions regarding minors and adult entertainment and/or sexually oriented businesses or clubs.
795.22   Advertising and lighting regulations.
795.23   Hours of operation.
795.24   Regulations pertaining to toilet facilities.
795.25   Massage parlor operating requirements.
795.26   Nudity at adult entertainment and/or sexually oriented businesses or clubs prohibited.
795.27   Regulations pertaining to live entertainment.
795.28   Additional criminal prohibitions for the operation of an adult entertainment and/or sexually oriented business or club without a valid permit.
795.29   Exemptions.
795.30   Criminal penalties and additional legal, equitable and injunctive relief.
795.31   Newsracks.
795.32   Immunity from prosecution.