160.01 Definitions.
160.02 Authorized positions, personnel, classification and pay grade.
160.03 Salary schedule.
160.04 Other compensation.
160.05 Overtime eligibility.
160.06 Overtime pay.
160.07 Longevity.
160.08 Administration of pay plan.
160.09 Group insurance.
160.10 Educational assistance.
160.11 City clothing provided.
160.12 City clothing provided (senior police management).
As used in this chapter the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them except if the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(a) “Active pay status,” except where otherwise defined in this manual, active pay status is a period when an employee is eligible to receive pay directly from the City and includes hours worked, and/or paid leave.
(b) “ADA” means the Americans With Disabilities Act.
(c) “Appointing authority” means an elected official, commission, board or body having the power to appoint, to remove, to suspend or otherwise discipline positions in any office, department, commission, or board.
(d) “BWC” is the abbreviation for Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation.
(e) “City” means the City of Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
(f) “Classification (class)” means a position, or group of positions that involve similar responsibilities and require similar qualifications to which the same schedule of compensation equitably applies.
(g) “Classification plan (class plan)” means alphabetically arranged compilation of the classification specifications for employees of the City.
(h) “Classification series” means classifications which are closely related, and grouped to form a career progression.
(i) “Classification title” is the descriptive name of a group of positions similar enough to be included under a single classification.
(j) “Classified service” means all persons in the employ of the City, not specifically included in the unclassified service.
(k) “Collective bargaining agreement” means written agreement(s) entered into between the City and an exclusive representative of employees of the City pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 4117.
(l) “Commission” means the Civil Service Commission of the City of Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
(m) “Compensatory time” means the substitution of earned hours off, in lieu of overtime pay.
(n) “Continuous service” means uninterrupted service of an employee with the City where no break in service occurs. Authorized leaves of absence, or any separation from service which carries with it the right to reinstatement or reemployment shall not constitute a break in service provided the employee is reinstated or reemployed within the allowable time. However, time spent on a leave of absence without pay, layoff, or other separation shall not be included where the completed service of the employee is utilized to determine eligibility for City-provided benefits, except where the employee has a right to such benefits under USERRA (military leave).
(o) “Day(s),” unless otherwise specified, means calendar day(s).
(p) “Demotion” means a change in position that reduces the employee's scope of responsibility and compensation.
(q) “Department” means a City organizational unit directed and controlled by the City and charged with a specific public service function and mission.
(r) “Department head” means a supervisor (as defined herein) charged with the responsibility of managing a department on behalf of the City. Also called Director in some departments.
(s) “Designee” means any person authorized by the City or management official to perform a function with or on behalf of the City or management official.
(t) “Director” means an unclassified supervisor (as defined herein) charged with the responsibility of managing a department on behalf of the City.
(u) “Discourteous treatment” means failure by an employee to treat others with respect, in a polite and courteous manner.
(v) “Dishonesty” means disposition to lie, cheat, or defraud; untrustworthiness; lack of integrity.
(w) “Distribution” means an act of distributing goods, materials, and/or written materials or literature.
(x) “Division” means City organizational unit directed and controlled by the City and charged with a specific public service function and mission.
(y) “Division Head” means the supervisor (as defined herein) charged with the responsibility of managing a division on behalf of the City. Also called Superintendent in some divisions.
(z) “Earned time” includes hours actually worked plus hours granted to the employee by the City for holiday, and/or any paid leave provided.
(aa) “Employee” means any person holding a position subject to appointment, removal, promotion, or demotion by the appointing authority.
(bb) “Employee, classified” means an employee included in the Classified Civil Service of the City of Reynoldsburg as defined by City Charter.
(cc) “Employee, half-time” means a part-time employee who regularly works 20 hours per week who will receive sick time of 2.30 hours per pay, vacation at 1.54 hours per pay, and holiday pay at 4 hours per holiday.
(dd) “Employee, full-time” means an employee whose employment is expected to continue for longer than one year and who normally works a standard workweek of a minimum of 40 hours.
(ee) “Employee, seasonal” means an individual hired primarily to perform services which because of climatic conditions or because of the seasonal nature of such service, it is customary to operate only during regular periods of forty weeks or less in any consecutive fifty-two weeks.
(ff) “Employee, service date” is the date on which an employee was appointed to initial employment with the City adjusted for time off without pay, or any prior service credit.
(gg) “Employee, three-quarter time” means a part-time employee who regularly works 30 hours per week who will receive sick time of 3.45 hours per pay, vacation at 2.31 hours per pay, and holiday pay at 6 hours per holiday.
(hh) “Excused absence” means absence from work with the approval of the appointing authority or appropriate designee (e.g., sick leave, vacation, holiday, unpaid leave of absence, etc.).
(ii) “Exempt employee” means salaried employee determined to be exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, and who therefore does not have to legally be paid the statutory minimum wage and/or be compensated, at premium rates, for additional hours worked in the workweek.
(jj) “FLSA” is the abbreviation for the Fair Labor Standards Act.
(kk) “FML” is the abbreviation for Family and Medical Leave.
(ll) “Flex-time” means adjustment of an employee's work hours to avoid the employee working in excess of 40 hours in one workweek or any other standard work period established in accordance with the FLSA.
(mm) “Interim appointment” means interim appointment, made necessary by reason of sickness, disability, or other approved leave of absence of regular officers or employees shall continue only during, such period of sickness, disability or other approved leave of absence. Interim appointments shall be made only to fill a vacancy that results from an employee's absence, or to fill a vacancy that results because of an other employee receives an interim appointment.
(nn) “Injury leave” means a period of time granted by the appointing authority or designee for inability of the employee to work because of an on-the-job accident substantiated by a medical report.
(oo) “Legal holidays” are days proclaimed by the Mayor as days which employees are normally not required to work and are paid the normal hours per day at the employee's prevailing rate, according to the schedule set forth in this chapter, as applicable.
(pp) “Length of service” is the interval from the employees service date to any given date.
(qq) “Longevity” means full-time employees of the City shall be eligible for longevity compensation at the conclusion of six years of continuous service. Payment will be made annually as a lump sum.
(rr) “Non-exempt employee” means an employee who is entitled to be paid the federal minimum wage and to be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 in the established workweek or other standard work period established in accordance with the FLSA.
(ss) “O.R.C.” is the abbreviation for the Ohio Revised Code. Also abbreviated as R.C. when followed by a chapter or section number.
(tt) “OSHA” is the abbreviation for Ohio's Occupational Safety and Health Act.
(uu) “Occasional labor/independent contract” means an employee who works on an irregular schedule which is determined by the fluctuating demands of the work and is generally not predictable and not paid through a timesheet.
(vv) “Overtime” means time worked by non-exempt full-time employees in excess of the normal schedule.
(ww) “Part-time” means an individual that does not work a regular 40 hour work week.
(xx) “PERS” is the abbreviation for the Public Employees Retirement System.
(yy) “PFDPF” is the abbreviation for the Ohio Police and Fireman's Disability and Pension Fund.
(zz) “Pay period” the official pay period shall be biweekly.
(aaa) “Pay plan” means the schedule of compensation rates established for all classifications or positions in the City service.
(bbb) “Personnel actions” means a specific act by the City to implement a personnel decision (e.g. hiring, promotion, demotion, suspension, removal, layoff, wage increases).
(ccc) “Personnel decisions” include, but are not limited to: (1) recruitment, (2) selection, (3) placement, (4) testing, (5) training, (6) promotions and transfers, (7) layoff and recall, (8) removal, (9) disciplinary action, (10) employee benefits and compensation, and (11) tangible program services and benefits.
(ddd) “Position” means a group of duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated by competent authority to be performed by one person. All of the positions listed in the organizational chart constitute positions within City. Positions and the duties of a position may be revised, but the employee's classification remains the same unless the position is reclassified.
(eee) “Prevailing pay rate” means the rate of compensation in effect at any time.
(fff) “Prior service credit” means the City will allow service credit for any prior service an employee may have had with the City or any other Ohio governmental agency or Ohio political subdivision. Part-time service will be pro-rated for prior service credit purposes.
(ggg) “Promotion” means change in position which results in an increase in an employee's compensation and responsibility.
(hhh) “Separation (except for cause)” applies when the employee leaves the City service of his own volition.
(iii) “Sick leave” means a period of time granted by the appointing authority or appropriate designee due to inability of the employee to work because of physical or mental sickness, or injury due to an off-the-job accident.
(jjj) “Solicitation” means the act of requesting an individual to purchase goods, materials, or services, or a plea for financial contribution.
(kkk) “Superintendent” is a classified individual who has been authorized by the City to perform or assist in performing some or all of the following: hiring, transferring, suspending, laying off, recalling, promoting, discharging, assigning, rewarding, interviewing, evaluating, approving leave requests, approving payroll time sheets or disciplining employees under the direction of the City; to responsibly direct employees; to adjust their grievances; or to effectively recommend any of these actions. Also referred to as Supervisor.
(lll) “Supervisor” is a classified individual who has been authorized by the City to perform or assist in performing some or all of the following: hiring, transferring, suspending, laying off, recalling, promoting, discharging, assigning, rewarding, interviewing, evaluating, approving leave requests, approving payroll time sheets or disciplining employees under the direction of the City; to responsibly direct employees; to adjust their grievances; or to effectively recommend any of these actions. Also referred to as Superintendent.
(mmm) “Suspension” means relief of an employee from duty without pay, usually for a short period of time as a disciplinary measure.
(nnn) “Temporary appointment.” Temporary appointments within the classified services are addressed in the Civil Service Rules.
(ooo) “Transfer” means voluntary and/or involuntary reassignment from one position and/or department in the City service to another.
(ppp) “Training appointment” means in the event of a planned (i.e. retirement, notice given of separation) employee separation, the appointing authority may employ an additional employee for no longer than eight weeks while the current employee continues their employment with the City.
(qqq) “Unclassified service” means those positions set forth in Section 7.03 of the City Charter as applied to the Civil Service of the City of Reynoldsburg. Positions in the unclassified service shall be exempt from all examinations.
(rrr) “Vacation leave” means a period of time granted by the appointing authority or appropriate designee during which employees are exempt from work and paid at the employee’s prevailing rate.
(sss) “Vacation year” means the interval of time based on the employee's service date with the City and extends from service date to service date.
(ttt) “Vendor” means any individual or group engaged in or desiring to engage in the supply of goods, materials, or services, (which are utilized in the conduct of public business) to the City and/or its employees.
(uuu) “Work area” means any office, room, or physical location where official City business is transacted and/or operations of the City are conducted.
(vvv) “Work time” means the time when an employee's duties require that the employee be engaged in work tasks.
(www) “Written reprimand” is the written record of disciplinary action, usually issued after a written warning has failed to improve an employee's conduct or when the employee has committed a more serious violation, which is provided to the employee and placed in the employee's personnel file in an attempt to improve the employees conduct and performance.
(xxx) “Written warning” means written documentation of a verbal counseling and instruction which is provided to the employee and placed in the employee's personnel file to correct any misconduct and improve the employee's conduct and performance.
(Ord. 91-07. Passed 11-26-07; Ord. 41-13. Passed 6-10-13; Ord. 92-14. Passed 11-24-14; Ord. 77-18. Passed 7-9-18; Ord. 125-18. Passed 12-17-18; Ord. 77-19. Passed 6-24-19; Ord. 145-19. Passed 12- 16-19; Ord. 96-2020. Passed 12-7-20.)
Position Personnel Classification Pay Grade
Mayor 1 Unclassified See Sec. 141.01
Auditor 1 Unclassified See Sec. 143.01
City Attorney 1 Unclassified See Sec. 147.03
Asst. City Attorney 1 Unclassified 22
Asst. City Prosecutor 2 p/t Unclassified 19
City Attorney Secretary 1 Unclassified 15
City Attorney Legal Clerk 1 Classified 12
Criminal Justice Program Administrator 1 Unclassified 12
Mayor's Secretary 1 Unclassified 15
Clerk of Courts 1 Unclassified 18
Assistant Clerk of Courts 1 Classified 11
Data Entry Operator 1 p/t Classified 8
Data Entry Operator 1 Classified 8
Clerk of Council 1 Unclassified 16
Asst. Clerk of Council 1 p/t Unclassified 10
Tax Administrator 1 Classified 17
Deputy Auditor 1 Unclassified 15
Auditor's Secretary 1 p/t Unclassified 10
Finance Manager 1 Classified 22
Civil Service Administrative Assistant 2 p/t Unclassified 15
Special Events and Media Coordinator 1 Unclassified 14
**(Asst. Clerk of Council to be shared with Development Administrative Assistant)
Director of Computer Systems 1 Unclassified 22
Network Systems Administrator 1 Classified 19
Development Director 1 Unclassified 22
Development Director Administrative Assistant 1 Unclassified 13
Planning and Zoning Administrator 1 Classified 19
Director of Human Resources 1 Unclassified 22
Human Resources Generalist 1 Unclassified 12
Director 1 Unclassified 22
Administrative Assistant 1 Unclassified 13
Senior Center Manager 1 Classified 16
Senior Citizens Assistant 2 p/t Classified -5
Recreation Superintendent 1 Classified 16
Grounds Superintendent 1 Classified 16
Assistant Grounds Superintendent/
Arborist 1 Classified 14
Arborist 1 Classified 14
Parks Grounds Maintenance 2 Classified 4
Field and Landscape Operator 2 Classified 6
Horticulturist 1 Classified 10
Recreation Coordinator 1 Classified 7
Seasonal & Occasional Variable Unclassified See 160.03(d) & (e)
Senior Center Activities Instructor 1 p/t Classified -3
Director of Public Safety 1 Unclassified 22
Chief of Police 1 Classified 26A
Deputy Chief of Police 1 Classified 24A
Lieutenant 2* Classified See Chapter 166
Sergeant 9 Classified See Chapter 166
Police Officer 57 Classified See Chapter 166
Dispatcher 9 Classified See Chapter 162
Support Services Supervisor 1 Classified 18
Property Room Coordinator 1 Classified 10
Property Room Clerk 1 p/t Classified 7
Chief of Police
Administrative Assistant 1 Classified 14
Administrative Assistant 1 Classified 14
Public Safety Records Technician 3 Classified 9
Public Safety Records/Research Technician 1 Classified 10
Court Specialist 1 Classified 10
Command & Staff
Administrative Assistant 1 Classified 11
Administrative Assistant 1 Classified 11
Accreditation Manager 1 p/t Classified 10
Training Coordinator 1 p/t Classified 10
Court Liaison 2 p/t Classified 13
Public Safety Social Worker/
Victim Advocate 1 Classified 16
Victim Advocate 1 Classified 16
*(3rd position will expire once current Lieutenant on military leave retires)
Director of Public Service 1 Unclassified 22
ServiceAdministrative Assistant 1 Unclassified 13
Secretary 1 Classified 8
Maintenance Foreman 1 Classified 16
Custodian 3 Classified 5
Maintenance Crew Leader 1 Classified 12
(2) Building Division
Chief Building Official 1 Classified 19
Asst. Chief Building Inspector 1 Classified 17
Building Inspector I 3 Classified 14
Permit Technician 2 Classified 11
Code Compliance Officer 4 Classified 10
(3) Water/Wastewater Division
Superintendent 1 Classified 18
Asst. Superintendent 1 Classified 15
Maintenance Spec/Equip Operator 6 Classified 10
Billing Manager 1 Classified 15
Account Clerk 2 4 Classified 8
(4) Street Division
Superintendent 1 Classified 18
Asst. Superintendent 1 Classified 15
Administrative Assistant 1 Classified 8
(To be shared with Storm Water Utility Division)
Maintenance Spec/Equip Operator 5 Classified 10
Maintenance Spec/Equip Operator 1* Classified 10
(To be shared with Storm Water Utility Division)
Fleet Maintenance Supervisor 1 Classified 14
Fleet Maintenance Technician 1 Classified 10
(4)(a) Storm Water Utility Division
Asst. Superintendent 1 Classified 14
Administrative Assistant 1 Classified 8
(To be shared with Street Division)
Maintenance Spec/Equip Operator 2 Classified 10
Maintenance Spec/Equip Operator 1* Classified 10
(To be shared with Street Division)
(h) Department of Engineering
Director of Engineering 1 Unclassified 22
(Ord. 91-07. Passed 11-26-07; Ord. 3-08. Passed 1-14-08; Ord. 12-08. Passed 3-24-08; Ord. 13-08. Passed 3-24-08; Ord. 29-09. Passed 5-26- 09; Ord. 104-09. Passed 12-28-09; Ord. 14-11. Passed 3-28-11; Ord. 36-11. Passed 9-12-11; Ord. 88-12. Passed 12-10-12; Ord. 41-13. Passed 6-10-13; Ord. 83-14. Passed 10-27-14; Ord. 96-14. Passed 12-8-14; Ord. 28-15. Passed 3-28-15; Ord. 39-15. Passed 5-11-15; Ord. 51-15. Passed 6-22-15; Ord. 68-15. Passed 7-27-15; Ord. 44-16. Passed 5-9-16; Ord. 110-16. Passed 10-24-16; Ord. 119-16. Passed 11-14-16; Ord. 19-17. Passed 3-13-17; Ord. 136-17. Passed 11-27-17; Ord. 55- 18. Passed 4-23-18; Ord. 77-18. Passed 7-9-18; Ord. 125-18. Passed 12-17-18; Ord. 24-19. Passed 2-11-19; Ord. 67-19. Passed 5-28-19; Ord. 77-19. Passed 6-24-19; Ord. 145-19. Passed 12-16-19; Ord. 40- 2020. Passed 5-26-20; Ord. 96-2020. Passed 12-7-20; Ord. 29-2021. Passed 3-22-21.)
Beginning July 1, 2021 with the implementation of steps, the following pay grades shall be in effect.
(a) Full Time Employees — non supervisory personnel.
Pay Grade | Step 1 | Year 2 COLA 2% | Step 2 | Year 4 COLA 2% | Step 3 | Year 6 COLA 2% | Step 4 | Year 8 COLA 2% | Step 5 | Year 10 COLA 2% | Step 6 |
Pay Grade | Step 1 | Year 2 COLA 2% | Step 2 | Year 4 COLA 2% | Step 3 | Year 6 COLA 2% | Step 4 | Year 8 COLA 2% | Step 5 | Year 10 COLA 2% | Step 6 |
3 | $15.91 | COLA 2% | $16.70 | COLA 2% | $17.54 | COLA 2% | $18.41 | COLA 2% | $19.34 | COLA 2% | $20.30 |
4 | $16.88 | COLA 2% | $18.51 | COLA 2% | $20.12 | COLA 2% | $21.74 | COLA 2% | $23.30 | COLA 2% | $24.96 |
5 | $17.30 | COLA 2% | $18.97 | COLA 2% | $20.62 | COLA 2% | $22.29 | COLA 2% | $23.89 | COLA 2% | $25.58 |
6 | $17.65 | COLA 2% | $19.35 | COLA 2% | $21.02 | COLA 2% | $22.73 | COLA 2% | $24.36 | COLA 2% | $26.09 |
7 | $18.00 | COLA 2% | $19.74 | COLA 2% | $21.44 | COLA 2% | $23.18 | COLA 2% | $24.85 | COLA 2% | $26.61 |
8 | $19.13 | COLA 2% | $20.78 | COLA 2% | $22.45 | COLA 2% | $24.08 | COLA 2% | $25.75 | COLA 2% | $27.41 |
9 | $20.05 | COLA 2% | $21.78 | COLA 2% | $23.53 | COLA 2% | $25.24 | COLA 2% | $26.99 | COLA 2% | $28.73 |
10 | $20.55 | COLA 2% | $22.53 | COLA 2% | $24.12 | COLA 2% | $25.87 | COLA 2% | $27.67 | COLA 2% | $29.45 |
11 | $20.96 | COLA 2% | $22.77 | COLA 2% | $24.60 | COLA 2% | $26.38 | COLA 2% | $28.22 | COLA 2% | $30.04 |
12 | $21.38 | COLA 2% | $23.23 | COLA 2% | $25.09 | COLA 2% | $26.91 | COLA 2% | $28.78 | COLA 2% | $30.64 |
13 | $21.81 | COLA 2% | $23.69 | COLA 2% | $25.59 | COLA 2% | $27.45 | COLA 2% | $29.36 | COLA 2% | $31.25 |
14 | $22.24 | COLA 2% | $24.16 | COLA 2% | $26.11 | COLA 2% | $27.99 | COLA 2% | $29.95 | COLA 2% | $31.88 |
15 | $22.69 | COLA 2% | $24.65 | COLA 2% | $26.63 | COLA 2% | $28.55 | COLA 2% | $30.55 | COLA 2% | $32.52 |
* Nonexempt payroll will be based upon hourly rates derived from the annual rates.
** Scale will automatically adjust by 2% each year beginning January 1, 2022.
(b) Supervisory Pay Range.
Pay Grade | Minimum | Maximum |
Pay Grade | Minimum | Maximum |
14 | $26.00 | $40.00 |
15 | $27.00 | $42.00 |
16 | $28.00 | $44.00 |
17 | $29.00 | $46.00 |
18 | $30.00 | $48.00 |
19 | $31.00 | $50.00 |
20 | $32.00 | $52.00 |
21 | $34.00 | $54.00 |
22 | $36.00 | $56.00 |
(c) Senior Police Management.
Pay Grade | Minimum | Maximum |
24A | $50.00 | $65.00 |
26A | $55.00 | $70.00 |
*Nonexempt payroll will be based upon hourly rates derived from the annual rates.
*Scale will automatically adjust by 2% each year beginning 2022.
(d) Part Time Employee. Part time employees’ rate of pay shall be set by the Appointing Authority within the pay grade assigned.
(e) Seasonal Employee.
(1) Parks and Recreation Department:
Seasonal Recreation Employee $8.00 - $30.00
Seasonal Maintenance Employee $8.50 - $16.00
Bus/Van Driver $9.50 per hour - $16.00
(2) Service Department:
Water/Wastewater Laborer $10.00 - $12.00 per hour
Service Seasonal Laborer $10.00 - $12.00 per hour
(3) Street Department
Street Seasonal Laborer $10.00 - $12.00 per hour
(f) Occasional Labor/Independent Contract. Unless otherwise indicated, occasional shall be paid at the rate mandated as the minimum wage by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Exceptions to this area are as follows:
(1) Parks and Recreation Department:
Umpire/Referee $7.00 to $60.00 per game
Program Assistant $7.80 - $20.00 per game/hour
(2) Service Department (Building Division):
Building Plans Examiner
Residential/Inspector $13.00 - $16.00 per hour
(g) Other.
(1) Intern – permitted by a department that has funding available within the department budget for a college intern that will be on payroll on a part-time basis not to exceed six-months. There will be no benefits, holiday, vacation and sick leave earned.
(Ord. 91-07. Passed 11-26-07; Ord. 65-12. Passed 8-8- 12; Ord. 88-12. Passed 12-10-12. Ord. 41-13. Passed 6-10-13; Ord. 44- 16. Passed 5-9-16; Ord. 45-16. Passed 5-9-16; Ord. 136-17. Passed 11-27-17; Ord. 154-17. Passed 12-18-17; Ord. 77-18. Passed 7-9-18; Ord. 67-19. Passed 5-28-19; Ord. 77-19. Passed 6-24-19; Ord. 96-2020. Passed 12-7-20.)
(a) Water/Wastewater Departments - License Compensation.
(1) Any employee in the Water Department or Waste Water Department who receives a Class I, Class II, or Class III license from the Ohio EPA shall receive an additional amount per month for the highest held as follows:
Class I $75.00
Class II $100.00
Class III $150.00
(2) An employee may be compensated for the highest license regardless of how many are within the Department.
(b) All Second Shift Chapter 160 Eligible Employees Shift Differential. A shift differential of seventy-five cents ($.75) per hour worked shall be paid to any Chapter 160 eligible employees when the majority of their regularly scheduled shift is after 1:00 p.m. and before 6:00 a.m.
(c) Employees who work less than twenty hours per week on a regular basis will receive no benefits.
(Ord. 91-07. Passed 11-26-07; Ord. 96-07. Passed 11-26-07; Ord. 41- 13. Passed 6-10-13; Ord. 77-18. Passed 7-9-18; Ord. 96-2020. Passed 12-7-20.)
(a) Policy.
(1) Exempt (salary): Administrative, executive, professional, and certain other employees paid on a salary basis may be exempted or may fall into one of the specific categories of "non-covered" employees under the FLSA. The following positions are exempt from overtime compensation:
Safety Director
Service Director
Parks & Recreation Director
Development Director
Deputy Chief of Police
Computer Systems Director
Human Resources Director
Chief Building Official
Superintendent of Water/Wastewater
Chief of Police
Superintendent of Streets
Clerk of Courts
Planning & Zoning Administrator
Finance Manager
Clerk of Council
Tax Administrator
Assistant City Prosecutors
Assistant City Attorney
Criminal Justice Program Administrator
Such employees shall not receive a reduction in pay for absences of less than an entire work period (normally five days). Absences will first be deducted from the employee's accumulated sick leave, vacation, or other paid leave time, as appropriate. Sick leave, vacation leave, and holiday pay are based upon a forty hour week for exempt employees.
(2) Nonexempt (hourly): Employees that fall into the non-exempt status, either by ordinance or the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), are paid a set wage on an hourly basis.
(3) Part-time employees are expected to work their normally prescribed amount of work hours as determined by the City.
(Ord. 91-07. Passed 11-26-07; Ord. 92.14. Passed 11- 24-14; Ord. 77-18. Passed 7-9-18; Ord. 125-18. Passed 12-17-18; Ord. 96-2020. Passed 12-7-20.)