1274.01 Purposes; permitted uses.
1274.02 Standards.
1274.03 Application for special use.
1274.04 Application procedures.
1274.05 Authorization.
1274.06 Basis of determination.
1274.07 Conditions and guarantees.
1274.08 Conditions and limitations.
1274.09 Design standards.
1274.10 Hearing on application.
1274.11 Initiation of special use.
1274.12 Intent and purpose.
1274.13 Performance guarantees.
1274.14 Revocation.
Zoning and planning in home rule cities – see M.C.L.A. § 117.4i
Regulation of location of trades, buildings and uses by local authorities – see M.C.L.A. § 125.581
Administration, enforcement and penalty – see P. & Z. Ch. 1242
Zoning Board of Appeals – see P. & Z. Ch. 1244
Districts generally and Zoning Map – see P. & Z. Ch. 1246
Nonconforming uses – see P. & Z. Ch. 1276
Provisions applicable to all districts – see P. & Z. Ch. 1284
Zoning Map changes – see Part 12, Title 4, Appx. I
(a) The development and execution of this Zoning Code are based upon the division of the City into districts, within which districts the use of land and structures and the bulk and location of structures in relation to the land is substantially uniform. It is recognized, however, that there are special uses which, because of their unique characteristics, cannot be properly classified in any particular district or districts without consideration, in each case, of the impact of those uses upon neighboring land and of the public need for particular use at the particular location. Such special uses fall into two categories:
(1) Uses publicly operated or traditionally affected with a public interest, such as public utilities facilities, public meeting buildings, and transportation facilities.
(2) Uses entirely private in character but of such an unusual nature that their operation may give rise to unique problems with respect to their impact upon neighboring property or public facilities, such as drive-in facilities, special medical care facilities, extraction of minerals, and neighborhood shopping facilities.
(b) The purpose of this chapter is to establish equitable procedures and criteria that shall be met before the following special land uses are permitted:
(1) Bed and breakfasts.
(2) Campgrounds and recreational vehicle parks.
(3) Child care centers.
(4) Communications towers.
(5) Drive-through or drive-in businesses.
(6) Educational services.
(7) Floodplain overlay district uses.
(8) Funeral homes.
(9) Fueling service stations.
(10) Golf courses and country clubs.
(11) Individual and family social services.
(12) Membership organizations and fraternal associations.
(13) Mini-storage self-storage warehouses.
(14) Motels or hotels.
(15) Motor vehicle repair.
(16) Municipally operated sanitary landfill.
(17) Nursing and personal care facilities.
(18) Landscape nurseries and landscaping contractors.
(19) Professional offices.
(20) Outdoor commercial recreation.
(21) Outdoor sales.
(22) Public and institutional uses.
(23) Public utility facilities.
(24) Salvage/junk yards.
(25) Sexually oriented businesses.
(26) State-licensed residential facilities (for seven persons or more).
(27) Upper floor dwellings.
(28) Single family dwelling conversions to multiple family dwelling units.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97; Ord. 04-2018. Passed 2-20-18.)
No special use shall be recommended by the Planning Commission unless said Commission shall find:
(a) That the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the special use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare.
(b) That the special use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood.
(c) That the establishment of the special use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvements of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district.
(d) That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage, and/or other necessary facilities have been or are being provided.
(e) That adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets.
(f) That the special use shall in all other respects conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located, except as such regulations may in each instance be modified by the City Council pursuant to the recommendations of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97; Ord. 04-2018. Passed 2-20-18.)
An application for a special use or expansion of a special use shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator on a prescribed form. The application shall be accompanied by such plans and/or data prescribed by the Zoning Administrator and shall include a statement in writing by the applicant and adequate evidence showing that the proposed special use will conform to the standards as set forth.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97; Ord. 04-2018. Passed 2-20-18.)