1278.01 Application of chapter.
1278.02 Minimum number of parking spaces required.
1278.03 Minimum standards for off-street parking facilities.
1278.04 Provision of public parking in C-1 Districts.
1278.05 Off-street parking requirements for residential dwellings.
1278.06 Minimum loading space required.
1278.07 Minimum standards for off-street loading facilities.
Zoning and planning in home rule cities – see M.C.L.A. § 117.4i
Regulation of location of trades, buildings and uses by local authorities – see M.C.L.A. § 125.581
Parking generally – see TRAF. Ch. 420
Parking Violations Bureau – see TRAF. Ch. 430
Administration, enforcement and penalty – see P. & Z. Ch. 1242
Zoning Board of Appeals – see P. & Z. Ch. 1244
Districts generally and Zoning Map – see P. & Z. Ch. 1246
Special land uses – see P. & Z. Ch. 1274
Nonconforming uses – see P. & Z. Ch. 1276
Provisions applicable to all districts – see P. & Z. Ch. 1284
Zoning Map changes – see Part 12, Title 4, Appx. I
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided in all districts accessory to permitted uses as follows:
(a) Automobile sales and service garages: One space for each 500 square feet of floor area.
(b) Barber shops and beauty shops: Three spaces for each chair or booth.
(c) Bowling alleys: Six spaces for each alley.
(d) Churches: One space for every three seats.
(e) Outdoor commercial recreation: Twenty-five percent of lot area, but in no case less than ten spaces.
(f) Dance hall, assembly hall, exhibition hall (without fixed seats): One space for every 100 square feet of floor area.
(g) Drive-in facilities:
(1) Banks (and similar financial institutions): Four spaces for each drive-in window.
(2) Dry cleaners, drug stores (and other retail services with drive-in service facilities): Three storage spaces for each drive-in window.
(a) Dwelling: Two spaces per family or dwelling unit.
(b) Funeral home or mortuaries: One space for each twenty-five square feet in service parlors or chapels plus one space for each funeral vehicle maintained on the premises.
(c) Furniture sales (retail): One space for each 500 square feet of floor area.
(d) Hospital: One space for each two beds plus one space for each doctor plus one space for each two employees other than doctors.
(e) Hotels, motels, tourist homes: One space for each lodging room plus one space per three full time employees.
(f) Launderette: One space per washer unit.
(g) Libraries, museums, governmental administration buildings: Adequate parking facilities as approved by the Planning Commission.
(h) Manufacturing and industrial uses: Two spaces for each employee on the largest shift.
(I) Office buildings, including banks, business, and professional offices: One space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(j) Restaurants and bars (and similar establishments): One space for each three seats provided for patron use plus one space for each two employees.
(k) Retail sales and personal services (except supermarkets and self-service stores): One space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
(l) Schools: One space for each two employees (staff and faculty) plus one space for each five fixed seats in the auditorium or gymnasium.
(m) Service stations: One space for each two employees plus one space for the owner or manager plus one space for each service stall.
(n) Supermarket or self-service store: One space for each 150 square feet of floor area.
(o) Theaters and auditoriums (not incidental to schools): One space for each four seats plus one space for each two employees.
(p) Warehouses, storage buildings, lumber and supply yards, wholesale outlets: Two parking spaces for each employee.
(Ord. 52. Passed 6-16-97.)