A. All premises containing water closet facilities and all premises containing toilet facilities including hand lavatories, urinals and bathtubs or showers shall have waste lines conducted to the City sanitary sewer system, where municipal sewer lines are available.
B. Where toilet facilities are provided for the public, or where toilet facilities are provided for employees, toilet facilities shall be provided for each sex, and shall include hand-washing facilities with hot and cold water, soap dispenser, single-service towels or hand-drying facilities, and approved waste receptacles.
C. The floors and walls of provided toilet facilities shall be impervious to water, smooth and easily cleanable.
D. Toilet rooms without natural light and ventilation shall be provided with an exhaust system activated by the operation of the light switch, capable of changing the total number of cubic feet of air every five minutes.
E. On-lot sewage systems are permitted only where municipal sewer lines are not available. On-lot sewage shall be constructed in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act,3 and shall be approved by the Health Officer.
F. Each property owner shall be responsible for the correction of malfunction of any on-lot sewage system.
G. Potable water, when made available by the City, shall be used in preference to any other water source.
3. Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.
[Amended 5-29-2001 by Ord. No. 14-2001]
A. Both indoor and outdoor, commercial and noncommercial incinerators shall be of a type approved by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
B. Incinerators used for the reduction of solid waste volumes shall not emit noxious fumes or odors, and the visible effluent shall not exceed the limitations of Ringelmann Chart No. 2 for particulate matter such as smoke, soot and fly ash.
C. The ash, or other residue, from the burning of combustibles in an approved incinerator shall be stored in the same manner as other solid wastes.
D. Incinerators located within structures shall provide a separate room containing storage facilities for materials to be incinerated. Each room shall be provided with adequate ventilation and fire first aid as required by the City Fire Marshal; except for dwelling structures containing no more than two dwelling units.
[Amended 5-29-2001 by Ord. No. 14-2001; 7-27-2009 by Ord. No. 39-2009; 10-12-2020 by Ord. No. 65-2020]
A. Animal bite incidents shall be reported to the Property Maintenance Division and the City Health Officer by the animal owner or the victim providing the name and address of the victim, telephone number if known, age of the victim, the time and the date of the biting incident, the type of animal and the name and address of the attending physician. When known, the report shall include the name and address of the animal owner.
B. Any animal which bites or attacks a human being shall be confined in quarters approved by the City's animal control authority, property maintenance inspector or a police officer. The animal shall be detained and isolated in an approved kennel or at the animal owner's property or at another location approved by the investigating officer. Where the animal is detained is at the discretion of the investigating officer. All animals so detained must be isolated for a minimum of 10 days. Any costs incurred in the detaining and isolation of the animal shall be paid by the offending animal's owner or keeper or both. If the animal's owner or keeper is not known, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is responsible for all reasonable costs for holding and detaining the animal.
(1) Within the ten-day quarantine period, the owner shall arrange to have the animal examined by a licensed veterinarian, and return his signed diagnosis and/or opinion to the Property Maintenance Division and the City Health Officer on the notice form provided.
(2) In the event that the animal dies within the quarantine period, it shall be the owner's responsibility to report the animal's death to the examining veterinarian and to the Property Maintenance Division and the City Health Officer, and further make available the dead carcass for further examination.
(3) No person shall destroy, or have destroyed, any animal involved in a biting incident that is being held within the ten-day quarantine period, unless approved by the Health Officer.
(4) No person shall house, maintain or kennel any animal involved in a biting incident during the ten-day quarantine period unless the owner or operator or person maintaining such housing facility shall be made aware of the animal biting incident and isolation facilities are provided for the animal.
Please also refer to Chapter 141 Animals, Part 2 Animal Control, § 203 Animal Bites and Attacks, § 211 Restraining of Dangerous Dogs, Aggressive Dogs and Vicious Animals and § 216 Aggressive Dog Vicious Animal and Dangerous Dog determination/permit required.
A. It shall be the responsibility of every physician practicing within the confines of the City to report immediately to the Health Officer any of the notifiable diseases as listed by the State Department of Health.
B. The Health Officer is empowered to declare any person to be quarantined when the nature of his illness is determined to be a threat to public health.
(1) When an emergency exists that threatens the public health, the Health Officer is authorized and empowered to enforce stricter quarantine regulations than herein declared.
(2) The period of quarantine shall be that period of time that the Health Officer considers the disease of the infected person communicable.
C. No person suffering from a quarantinable disease shall enter any hired or public conveyance or common carrier, nor enter upon public areas or places of public gathering.
D. The Health Officer shall order adequate terminal disinfection, cleansing and renovation of premises in all such cases where there was death or removal of a person suffering from quarantinable communicable diseases.
4. Editor's Note: Original § 10-112, Launderettes, laundromats and/or coin-operated laundries, which immediately followed this section, was repealed during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Part 2).
[Amended 11-28-2005 by Ord. No. 88-2005]
A. All persons shall be responsible for the sanitary maintenance of the premises on which any animals are housed, maintained or kenneled.
B. The number of animals housed or maintained within a structure, or upon any premises, shall be limited only to those animals that can be adequately maintained in a clean and sanitary condition as determined by the Health Officer.
C. Animal shelters, or areas in which animals are maintained, shall be permitted only as approved by the Health Officer. Animal shelters shall not be constructed or located in such a manner that it creates a health hazard or nuisance to the adjoining property owners.
D. People owning, harboring or keeping an animal within the City shall not permit any waste matter from the animal to collect and remain on the property of the owner or custodian, or on the property of others so as to cause or create an unhealthy, unsanitary, dangerous or offensive living condition on the owner's or custodian's property, or to abutting property of others.
E. Excess animal food shall not be allowed to accumulate in such a manner as to create a food source for bacteria, insects or rodents.
F. No person shall maintain, transport or carry any animal or pet in any eating and drinking establishment, food manufacturing or food service facility, except trained guide dogs for the blind.
G. Owners of leashed or unleashed animals shall be responsible for the removal and disposal of fecal matter deposited by his animal anywhere within the City.
5. Editor's Note: Original § 10-114, Salvage operations and junkyards, which immediately followed this section, was repealed during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Part 2).