[Amended 4-25-2005 by Ord. No. 3-2005]
A. Compliance. All commercial, industrial and business properties shall be maintained in such a manner as to comply with the City Health and Sanitary Codes.
B. Fences. All fences and enclosures shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition, and where necessary, shall be covered with a protective coating such as paint, in order to prevent deterioration by the elements.
C. Garages. Private passenger automobile parking garages or enclosures shall be maintained in such a manner that they do not create an accident, fire, health or safety hazard; or to be operated in such a manner as to create excess noise or exhaust fumes that constitute a health hazard or nuisance. All structures shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and where necessary as determined by the Health Officer, shall have a protective covering to prevent deterioration.
D. Signs. Signs located upon any premises or attached to any structure shall be maintained in a structurally safe condition and any loose or overhanging objects that are unsecure shall be removed.
E. Vacant property. All vacant structures shall be secured in such a manner so as to prevent access. All ground-level windows, doors and hatch ways shall be secured, and upper floor doors and windows closed in such a manner so that the building does not constitute a health, fire or safety hazard.
F. Weeds and rodent control. All premises shall be free from excessive weed and grass growth and dead trees and shall have insect and rodent control so that the property does not constitute a fire, health and safety hazard.
G. It shall be the responsibility of commercial businesses located in residential neighborhoods to maintain the following:
(1) Pavements and curbs shall be clear, clean and free of litter and debris, including glass, cinder, dirt and paper products.
(2) A minimum of 50% of each window must be unlittered with products and signs that would limit a persons view of the interior of the business.
(3) Store windows, doors and entranceways will be clean, tidy in appearance, and will be operable and in good repair.
(4) Entrance doors equipped with a window to provide visual access to the business.
(5) Graffiti on the building and surrounding structures shall be abated in accordance with Chapter 272, Graffiti, of the Code of the City of Reading.
(6) Each commercial business which sells consumable products having wrappings or packaging, such as food, beverages, snacks, toys, sundries, will have one thirty-gallon trash receptacle near the exterior entrance to the building. The business proprietor shall be responsible for the disposal of all trash and litter.
(7) Loitering at commercial businesses located within residential neighborhoods shall be prohibited, in accordance with Chapter 353, Loitering; Obstructing Public Places, of the Code of the City of Reading.
6. Editor's Note: Original Subsection H, regarding enforcement and violations, which immediately followed this section, was repealed during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Part 2).